Part 10

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Finally in paris the most beautiful place in the world. Since i won't be spending none of my time with Michael i've made a few plans for myself first i'm gonna go see the Eiffel tower then i've always wanted to see it in person then i'm gonna enjoy french scone with hot chocolate then i'm gonna take a nice stroll and just go sight seeing. But first i really need to see why i'm puking everything i eat i pray that i didn't catch the flu or something. After i settled into my hotel room i decided to take a shower and take a nap for an hour and a half. I probably on slept for 30 minutes before feeling Michael's body on top of mines and him kissing me on the neck. i opened my eyes and smiled at him "What are you doing"

He kissed my neck again "Seeing what my favorite girl is up to"

I giggled and blushed "Well i was taking a nap before you rudely laid on top of me then i was gonna explore paris for a while aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your wife"

He rolled his eyes "Yea we're about to head out i just wanted to see you before i left. Are you still throwing up"

I nodded "Yea whenever i eat something"

He kissed my nose "Well while i'm gone and before you go exploring paris and want you to go to the doctor and see whats wrong"

I frowned "But i hate hospitals"

"And i hate seeing you throw up"

He sat up and i pouted "I really don't want to go"

"Please do it for me and your job"

I groaned and sat up. He just had to throw my job in there. "Fine i'll go but only because you threw my job in the middle"

He giggled and kissed me and got off my bed "Okay i'll see you later"

I playfully rolled my eyes "Whatever"

"I love you sammy"

I blushed "I love you too Michael"

He smiled and walked out of my room. I got out of the bed i might as well head out myself since Michael woke me up and for his info i am not going to the hospital. I slid on my shoes and grabbed my phone and left out. First place i went to was a little french bakery right across the street from the hotel. I ordered me two scones a brownie and some chocolate chip cookies yes i am really hungry. I sat down enjoying the paris air and started eating one of my scones once i finished my stomach instantly turned and i threw up missing my shoes. I groaned i guess it's too the hospital i go...

I got to the hospital by taxi and waited in the waiting room for about and hour until my name was called. I got taken back to a room and the doctor cam in "Hi Samantha James I'm Doctor Gallens how are you feeling"

I shrugged "A little queazy"

"Hmmm queazy and you've been throwing up a lot"

I nodded "Yes it started about a week ago"

He stroked his beard "Okay well there are a few things that could be wrong so i'm gonna run some test for the first few test i'm gonna have you to pee in this cup but before that i want to swab the back of your throat to make sure it isn't the beginning of strep throat"

I faked smiled "That would really suck so to my job as a chef"

He laughed "Yea that would"

He swabbed the back of my throat which is the worst feeling ever. Then he gave me a cup and i went to the bathroom and peed in the cup. I sat waiting for the doctor to return thinking about all the stuff that could be making me sick. The doctor came back in after 20 minutes smiling "Well Samantha i some good news for you. You are not sick in any way the reason you keep throw up is because you're pregnant"

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