Part 7

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I screamed "YES MICHAEL!" As he rammed into me one last time Cumming inside of me. He moaned biting my neck "Damn Samantha you so good i don't wanna get up

He rolled off of me and pulled me close and kissed my cheek. I smiled out of breath "Would you like some breakfast Michael"

He nodded "Yea sausage and grits please"

I nodded and got out the bed and put one of my Mj t-shirts on and went to the kitchen and started cooking. Michael laid back on the bed and watched my every move. I start the sausage first since it doesn't take that long to make grits. My phone started ringing and i grabbed it to see that it was my mom and answered "Hello mommy"

"Hey Sammy what you up to"

"Nothing cooking for my boss"

"Oh what are you cooking baby"

"Sausage and grits"

"Yumm thats sounds good i wish did have to leave this morning so you could be making me some of the delicious food"

I felt Michael wrap his arms around my waist and start kissing my neck I giggled "Mom maybe I can cook you and dad dinner tonight since I have nothing to to do"

"Well um we may have to take a raincheck your dad bought some tickets and backstage passes to the Michael Jackson concert tonight we thought you might want to meet your idol"

I coughed and giggled at the same time because Michael is still kissing on my neck "Uhh okay i guess mom i'll meet you there..Stop it please"

"Huh stop what baby"

Michael started sucking on my neck and i let out a soft moan "Nothing mom i'll call you an hour before the show bye"

Be for she said anything i hung up and turned around to Michael "Why you doing this"

He smiled "Because watching you cook was driving me wild i wanted to get a little closer"

"But i was on the phone with my mother"

"And it's to my understanding i'm going to be meeting you mother and father tonight"

I rolled my eyes "Don't flatter yourself it's only because they don't you're my boss"

I turned around to finish cooking and Michael laid his head on my shoulder "Well they are going to find out tonight"

I faked smiled because that's what i'm afraid of. The food got finished and Michael smacked my butt "Make sure you put hot sauce on Tatiana's grits"

I rolled my eyes as her name rolled of his tongue "Sure"

He kissed my cheek "Thank you baby"

He let go of me and i made his and Tatiana's plates and handed it to him. He smiled and left out my room. I sighed and made myself a plate and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I started eating and my phone started ringing i grabbed it and saw it was Chelsee and answered "Hello"

"Hey Sammy what are you doing"

"Nothing in Alabama eating breakfast"

"You went back home with out taking me"

I laughed "My boss had some business here"

She laughed "Of course and have you gotten over that drunk kiss with your boss?"

I laughed if she only the knew what i got myself into "Yea Chels i've gotten over it we don't even speak of it it's like nothing happened" LIES!

"Good thats how it's supposed to be"

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