Part 2

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When i got home and ran up to Chelsee "Omg guess what Chels!"

She looked at me with her eyes wide "What is it Sammy!"

"I got a job as a personal chef!"

"Really to who!"

"I don't think i can tell but believe me they are awesome i get to travel with them tomorrow for four months"

Her face dropped "We"ve only been here for a day actually not even for 24 hours and you're leaving?"

I sighed "I know but i gotta follow my dreams right and it's not like we aren't going to talk"

"I know because we'll be video chatting everyday"

I giggled "Yea after i talk to my dad and speaking of my dad i'm going to go and call him"

I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed and dialed my dad's number and weirdly my dad didn't answer he must be at work. I'm sure he'll call back when he gets off. I got off my bed and went downstairs to kitchen to make me something to eat. I fixed myself a panini sandwich and a rainbow martini in a plastic cup. i went and sat on the couch and turned on the tv and ate. Chelsee came in the house and sat next to me "You know it's rude not to ask if i want anything considering i won't have your cooking for four months"

I rolled my eyes and laughed "Your sandwich is in the microwave and your drink is in the fridge" She smiled and went and got her stuff and sat on the couch next to me and turned out some movie. We sat there for a few hours watching movies until we fell asleep like always. Believe it or not this is how we became best friends in kindergarden. My phone started to ring scaring the hell out me. I stretched and pushed Chelsee off of me and grabbed my phone and answered it expecting to hear my dad's voice "Hello"

"Is this Samantha" I heard Michael's voice on the other end

"Yea this is Samantha"

"Hi Samantha you know how i was telling you earlier how i don't like hotel and plane food"


"Yea i remembered"

"Well i was hoping you could make some snacks for the plane tomorrow"

I smiled "Sure what would like"

"I want alot but in food wise i'd like some chicken corn mac n cheese and any type of finger foods you can think off okay"

"Okay sir"

"See you tomorrow morning"

Before i could say anything he hung up. I looked at the time and it's 5:45. I guess i should start cooking now so all i will have to do before i go to bed is pack and take a shower. I got off the couch and went to the kitchen and started cooking. It took me about 6 hours to finish and by then i was tired. I put everything in the oven to stay warn over night hopefully i have enough since all while i was cooking Chelsee thought she was supposed to steal three plates. I dragged myself up to my room and laid on my bed. I'm sure if i get up early enough i'll have time to pack my stuff. I started to drift off and my phone started to ring. I groaned answered "Hello"

"Hello princess"

"Hi daddy are you"

"I'm fine princess i just got off of work what are you up to Sammy"

"Just laid down from cooking for tomorrow"

"What's tomorrow?"

"I got a job as a personal chef and my boss travels a lot and needed something to eat on the plane"

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