Logan Imagine

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I was bored and this is a little random...

Logan, your very best friend, was over at your house but you had nothing to do. "Lets call James!" You suggested. "Why?" Logan asked. "Cause then we could play a game." You said. "Well, we can do something without him too." Logan said a little quitely. You just stared at him. "Oookay then." You finally let out. "Fine. Call him, we can play would you rather." He sighed. You got up and called James. James came over instantly. "Hey guys!" James greeted as he hugged you very tightly. "James I love you and yes I would die for you but... I cant breathe!" You tried to breathe. James let you go. "Sorry about that (y/n)." James apologized. James was like a brother you never had cause he always supported you in anything you did and always was caring and nice and just plain amazing. "Yeah whatever." Logan said then went to go sit on the leather couch. "Okay umm Logan thought that we could play would you rather! How bout it James?" You asked. James smiled and agreed. You went to the fridge to get soda. "Okay lets start... James! Would you rather live in Texas or Florida?" You asked. "Thats kinda tough but I'd say Florida." He answered. You giggled and looked at Logan. He was still not smiling. "Logan! Would you rather never blink again or smile forever?" James asked. "I would smile forever." Logan answered but he wasn't smiling at all. "Then smile." You laughed. Logan looked at you then a small smile appeared on his adorable face. "Logie... Whats wrong?" You asked because you really wanted to know. "Nothings wrong (y/n)! I'm just... Nothing." He lied. James started to stand up and said "Logan, can I speak to you fir a minute?" They both went outside, leaving you just sitting there. After about ten minutes, Logan came back but James was no where in sight. "Wheres-" you started but got cut off. "He left cause he had to go to the place for a thing." "Oh okay" You replied. "(y/n)... C-can I t-talk to you for a s-sec?" He stuttered. You nod slowly. "Well umm uh." He stopped and took a deep breathe then walked over to you. "Okay, ever since James introduced me to you about 2 years ago. I-I fell... In love and I mean in love. Your just so different and beautiful and so many other great things to me. So (y/n)... Will you be my girlfriend?" He let it all out which left you suprised and shocked and happy. "Yes Logan! Yes!" You ran into his arms and embraced him so tightly. He pulled away and leaned in and attacked my lips with his. They felt so soft and it was like they were made for each other. His tongue glides across my lower lip for entrance and I let him in. "Hey! We are happy for you but please don't start making out right now because you know what that could turn into!" Carlos yelled to us. We pulled away and smiled. "I love you (y/n)." Logan whispered. "I love you too Logie Bear." I replied

The End :)
I hoped u liked it ;)

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