Kendall Imagine

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Kendall Imagine

You were sitting on the couch watching T.V. You weren't really paying attention to it. Then, Kendall comes downstairs and you see him. His hair was all messy and he was acting lazy.

"What Happened!?" You walked up to him on the stairs.

"I think I'm sick." Then he coughed into his sleeve.

"Oh Kendall. Come on." I dragged him upstairs. I layed him on the bed.

"Do you want anything? Soup? Medicine?" I asked then put my hand on his forehead.

"Can you lay down with me?" He asked with his eyes barely open.

"Of Course. Let me go get my book." I kissed his cheek then went downstairs go get my book and a thermometer. I ran back upstairs and saw him trying to sit up.

"Whats that?" He asked.

"A thermometer." I said while climbing on the bed beside him. I put the thermometer in his mouth. He fell asleep right away. I smiled and started to read my book. When it started to beep I took it and it wasn't anything serious. I let out a breath of air in relief.

When I was on the last few words of my book, Kendall started moving. Then he woke up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"A lot better." He answered and sat up.

"Do you want me to go get some medicines. It's not too late to go get some." I started getting off the bed when he grabbed my hand.

"But you should know that you are my medicine. I feel better don't I?" He smiled.

I laughed a little. He got out of bed and put his face in front mine. I checked his forehead with my hand and I smiled at him.

"Okay." I kissed his forehead.

He leaned in and pushed his lips onto mine. We both smiled in the kiss.

The End (hope u liked it) Its my first imagine on wattpad :)

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