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"Do you?"

  How was I supposed to ask her.

"Would you?"

    I'm making a fool of myself again

     I shuffled my feet. Some prince I was.

"I was just wondering, I'm going to visit a friend of mine....."

I trailed off.

I took a deep breath as I finally asked her.

"Would you go out with me?"

I looked at her in uncertainty. Sophia head was tilted as she patiently waited to see me make a fool of myself.

"To meet your friend? Yeah!"

I actually wanted to take her to dinner after that.

"I thought maybe we could have dinner somewhere outside at a diner."

I completed. Looking at her hopefully,wishing that she said yes.

"Yeah good thinking buddy,I've been so bored stuck in this place"

And that was exactly what I wanted to hear but the voice wasn't Sophia's.

I turned around to see Kade stride into the room. Great, Really.

"I was asking Sophia." I retorted.

"And I say yes too" That was not Sophia either. Julia sauntered into the room biting into an apple.

Anyone more?

"Oh,so you want to come too now?" I asked Julia.

"Yeah it's been so long and this place is boring and I got to see a fight only once. Of course I'm bored. It's good you decided to take all of us out.

So much for taking my wife out to dinner alone.

I sighed, giving up as I trudged towards Kade's car. Everyone else trailing behind me.

Fourty-five minutes later we were outside a dimly lit cafe. A place Minho had confirmed to be at in ten minutes. Knowing Minho, he must already be waiting for me inside.

Our group entered the cafe and a very happy old man greeted us. Happy to see customers.
Since we were on the outskirts there was not much business around.

"Here" A hand flicked.

I walked towards the shady guy wearing a hat and shades indoors.

Getting closer I realised the guy was actually Minho dressed as a detective.

I laughed.

"Sssshhhhhh" Minho pressed a finger to his lips in an attempt to silence me.

I chuckled as I sat in front of him. The others making themselves comfortable around the small table.

"No one's here Minho, you can remove your disguise." Kade commented.

"Yeah dude I know, but I had to get out of my office without being detected."

"You're just attracing more attention." Minh sighed as he removed his cap and shades. He even had a smoke pipe. Was he attempting to be Sherlock holmes?


I chuckled as I saw his sagged face.

"Cheer up, we were play undercover another time." I tried cheering him up.

He gave me a small smile as he leaned in closer.

Taking out his macbook he turned it around so that we could see it.

It was a woman on video call. A well known woman who was the royal trainer for princess and royal bloods.

"Hello Claudia, How have you been?" I smiled at the middle aged pretty woman.

"Good, Good prince Ashàr. How have you been faring?" The question was accompanied by a kind smile.

"Good." I looked at Minho,silently questioning him what was I to ask Claudia. The question was answered by Claudia herself.

"Minho here informed me that he had a heiress to train and convinced me to take out time to see what training the woman needs."

Oh. That's why. I never really thought about that. No bother Minho was my best pal. He saved me a great load of trouble.

"Let me face the woman please, I've had enough of your handsome faces" Claudia chuckled as Minho turned around the mac book so that Sophia sat facing it.

Claudia scrutinised Sophia. Then she asked her to walk around, she even ordered her to eat in front of the video and asked her to stand and sit,wave and talk.

All of this as we all watched.

Finally Claudia asked to see my face.
She forgot to say my 'handsome' face.

"You Ashàr have found a natural heir. She needs no work at all. Her posture, tabe manners, elegance are all perfectly elegant. In fact it's been a while since I saw a born heiress so naturally elegant and comfortabe at the same time. You have nothing to worry about. If you need a stylist I'll send one to you. That is all, Good bye."

With that she disconnected the video call.

We all looked at Sophia who was blushing and a smile made way on my face.

She was perfect and she was mine.

'For the time being' My conscience reminded me.

I won't let her go so easily. I reminded myself.

"So first we need to publish an article that says that Sophia is alive. Then we can say that she is married to Ashàr and then we can get Sophia come 'live'on news and announce that her uncle was behind her disappearance." Minh spoke, typing away on his mac book.

"Our enemies are faster than us Minho" Kade looked up, his face all serious.

"Hey,how is it that you can use gadgets and....." Julia trailed off as Kade put up his hand  in a gesture to stop her.

He placed an Ipad on the table for us all to see.

On there read a caption

'The Edward Heiress alive and breathing.'

And beneath it was a picture of Kiara Houssam. I looked up to see Sophia who pa led.

"This is why he kept sending me out as Kiara HousSam. "

     With that Sophia fainted.

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