WM15 Ministry April 15, 2017

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Every Man Has A Mission

Club Members:

For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office:  So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;  Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;  Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.
Romans 12:4‭-‬8 KJV

We have a misconception floating around that says that there's the ministers up there ministering and the congregation down there being ministered to.

Let's kill that lie right now.

Each of you have an essential part in the Church, the body of Christ. If you have been filled with His Spirit and submitted to God, you have a divine calling placed on you. So does everyone else. God is not limited to the podium, and He has ministry set up for EVERYONE, all of His children, everyone who accepted His True Holy Spirit. He's far too awesome to pick favorites, and the Bible says we all have a purpose. It describes us as a Body Of Christ. What if the whole body was an ear? How could it see or walk or breathe? In the same way, the church is more than pastors. Pastors are awesome, and if they're truly called, they exercise authority given by the Lord over us. But they aren't above us. They're authority is their spiritual gift, and we SHOULD LISTEN TO THEM. But we have to get rid of this misconception that pastors are better or more spiritual than everyone else. We need to realize not every awesome calling is public speaking.

You ever wonder why evangelists, pastors or missionaries are so anointed that mosquitos that bite them speak in tongues?

It's not because they're better than us.

Really. It's not. They aren't more spiritual or better than us. They weren't born with a Bible out of the womb. They didn't speak in the language of angels before they spoke in the language their mommies taught them. And they aren't God's favorite child or love them more, because He's not petty like that.

But God puts that special anointing in them so, through them, they can give the same thing to us!

I always hear legends about my pastor's dad, Bishop John Hurley, before he passed away. Everyone misses him. They cry about his departure years after the fact. He drove out devils on a regular basis. He was a man of mythological integrity, once going out of his way after his prayer to return a can of paint years after he borrowed it, handing it to confused people who long forgot about it. When he passed away, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE came to pay him respect, because he had changed their lives, helped people in radical ways, done his part to change the world. He prophesied, could discern spirits.. the list goes on. I bet he was the most anointed man West Virginia has ever seen.

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