Project Real

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Club Members:

I have a confession to make: sometimes I wonder if anything PW really matters. I and Isaac talk about changing the world. I don't want to just run a (Gosh I hate this nerdy word) "blog". I sincerely want to change the world. And yes, the first step is in ourselves amd our own relationships to God. But how much do we talk about God's will and NOT DO IT?

I want to be REAL.
Do we understand how badly this world needs this change?

I just heard the man I once considered my second father, a good man with a big heart, has gotten hooked onto cocaine and fallen off the grid. Because the cruel world pumped in enough pain and he had nothing REAL to defend himself with.

I have friends and family who's mommies and daddies are drunks and pillheads who beat them when they're not in jail. I know a middle school girl who's mom told her she was sick of her, and giving her up for adoption. Those people need something REAL to cope with that. They need Jesus to cope with that.

I'm not saying these things so you can pity me. I want you to open up your eyes. Those kinds of things are happening in YOUR TOWN. It may be happening to people YOU LOVE.

I don't have an exclusive little bubble of misery here in West Virginia. Pain and heartache that doesn't belong is everywhere and it's in some people only you can show Jesus to; there's suffering that Jesus DIED FOR, STILL EXISTS, ONLY because we don't share our REAL with the world.

Why am I telling you all this?

To wake us up.

Are you guys willing to do something REAL with me? Or are you content with just reading my messages? Is there anyone out there who believes we can change the world, or am I wasting five or six hours a week writing silly messages?

I'm being REAL right now. We need to stop talking about things, and do it, or else we will be stupid and hypocritical in our words. We need to God's will, not our own. We need to pray for a burden to be in us deep enough so we actually do something.

But where do we start?

What if we could start by doing practical things, just small things, but REAL things, to grow the Kingdom of God? What if, in addition to the relationship we have to have with God, we all decided to do the ministry God has called us for anyways with a practical action to strengthen our churches and show this broken, heart-crushing world love?

Let's have a project. I'll say, "let's do this," and you'll comment below, if you're serious, about doing it. You'll pledge below to do the project, if you want to. It will be just a small thing, but small things in the anointing can make big differences. The ultimate goal of this project is for each of us, in each of our communities, to call upon God and prepare for revival, with simple means.

Our first project will be to fix ourselves. If our church doesn't have a regular prayer room where we pray in the Spirit, let's start one! xJasidae13x and I can both testify that prayer rooms start revivals in churches. Ask your pastor, youth pastor or otherwise to get some people to pray an hour before service or similar for the Spirit to move, for conviction to fall. Asking for the Lord to come in praise and fervent prayer will supercharge the church service. The Bible says God dwells in the praise of His people.

You can plow the field for a full-scale revival of REAL this Sunday that can touch the broken and the unsaved of the world, literally just by saying, "Hey, pastor, can we start a prayer room an hour before church?"

That's just the first step. If we as a church aren't ready to show REAL, who will be? One hour of praising God, asking for revival, and begging for a burden, a weight on our shoulders that's deep enough to make us actually move. Actually do something REAL.

There are about 30 people who read each chapter now, on average. What if that meant there were 30 churches with a new passion to seek the Lord for revival? That would change the world!

I want you to comment below and pledge, "On April 16, 2017, I will ask my pastor to start a prayer room." Why? I want to ask you how it goes later, and to hold you accountable to do it!

Revival doesn't start with special services or finding a good pastor to preach; revival starts with prayer. Will you do this simple task to plant the seeds? And I will have more Project Real assignments after this!

Note: if you guys already have a prayer room, I want you guys to pledge "On April 16, 2017, I will encourage more young people to join the prayer room and ask for revival!

I seriously want you guys to pledge! Let's start a movement today by building Jesus' bride up in prayer!!

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