WM7 Hurt February 18, 2017

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Faulty Security Systems

A lot of people have insecurities. They stem from different things.

Sometimes it's because they don't like their physical appearance or their shape, they don't think they're good enough physically. Or they have a physical disability that makes them feel like less.

Sometimes it's because they feel like they are slower than others, they feel stupid. Sometimes, because they have a mental disorder or depression or ADHD or similar, they think they aren't as good as other people.

Sometimes it's because they want other's approval but can't get it or feel like if they don't try hard enough, don't do this or that, that they will not matter to other people, and thusly, not matter.

These insecurities can bring a person down, can chain them up, confine them, never allowing them to reach their full potential.

Our world is divisive on this issue. One side seeks to change those things by parading people's differences, which might make people feel good about themselves for a moment, yet doesn't truly help anyone on the inside, where it matters. "You're special", they tell everyone, but depending on pride in yourself does not fix the issues underneath, but only creates a barrier in-between you and any kind of solution.

And the other side abandons or mocks the different. They cast their derision and their own insecurity onto others. You made a mistake.. how weak. You are different than us... what a loser.

Trying to win over your insecurities with anything on earth, through your own abilities or by looking good or being liked or anything else, is like trying to drown a grease fire with water. The closest comparison I can think of is that it's like smoking crack- it's an attempt to make things better, while in reality just strengthening the cycle of pain and need for more.

But.. what if they don't like me?
What if I'm not pretty enough?
What if I'm not smart enough?
What if I'm not funny or cool enough?
Will they abandon me?

If the makeup companies were any more blunt they would say "You're not pretty if you don't buy this." Yet girls will pay so much to look good for others, to please others. If the latest dietary or exercise trend ad on TV was any worse, they would tell people that if they don't comply with Hollywood standards, they are fat, ugly and unlikable and doomed to miserable lives. That's why you'll find that so many people quit those things soon after they start them; they're in it to find something in it that it doesn't provide.

Our current society has the most depressions, suicides, mental disorders, etc; of almost any time period ever. Depression is scientifically considered the most common crippling disability out there, according to the World Health Organization. In 2008, Depression medication made up 1/3 of all prescription medication in 2008, and I doubt it's gotten better anytime soon.
Yet we keep trying to be happy with the superficial crap given to us by people who don't care.

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