Ch. 4 To Accept

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Each day brings something new. I thought I was sick as I can be. I was living the last of my days and I knew that. I wanted to accept my ending but I couldn't. Each time it felt sick I wanted to run away. Truth is, it was getting worse each and everday.

"You can't escape it." My father said as I came out of the bathroom. The nurse gave me some papers and told me I could go home now. I wasn't ignoring my dad. I just didn't know what to say, because I was right.

"I know, but I thought that maybe I was just dizzy and going to puke or something. I never thought I could get a seizure." I said as we began to walk out the hospital room.

How could I get a seizure?

I fainted and got a seizure.

We got to the car and my dad helped me in. I was glad it wasn't the police car.

"I think it's time to get out of school." My father said.

"What? No! I can't do that! It would be like giving up! And I'm not going to let a malignant brain tumor bring me down!"

"Sweetie this isn't up for discussion. I'm going to call Brianna so she can come over and take care of you." He said. I felt my heart ach.

"I don't want your stupid girlfriend near me!" I cried.

"Amara!" He barked. "She is going to come and you're going to have to deal with it , because you're not going back to school!"

I cried silently the rest of the way home. I didn't want to talk to him. I can't believe he isn't letting me go to school. School can be hell to everyone, but to me it's the little bit of normal life I have left.

Besides my biggest dream is to finish high school. It was on my bucket list... the one I threw away. I'm an idiot.

My dad parked in the driveway and I got off running inside. I wasn't going to talk to him until he says I'll still be going to school. I don't care if his girl does come as long as I get to go to school.

I locked myself in my room and sat on my bed.

"Amara." He knocked on my door. "Amara please."

"Go away." I yelled.

"Amara I'm not going anywhere. You just had a seizure, can you calm down. I don't want you back in that hospital."

Correction, old man, I had a seizure two days ago, today is Wednesday. "Then leave me alone!"

"I'm going to leave your phone here." He said.

I waited and saw his shadow, from under the door, go away. What do I do now? I have to do something about me going to school. I got up and opened the door to grab my phone. I quickly closed the door again and locked it. My phone had many missed calls and messages from Clay.

'Are you here at school?'

'Where are you at?'

'Piggy I miss you, answer me.'

'What did I do? Are you mad?'

'Please call me!'

Too many messages to read. I called him instead. I turned off the lights and walked back to my bed, only to turn on the lamp.

"Piggy! How have you been? Are you okay?" He asked as soon as he answered.

"I was at the hospital." I said.

"I know... you had a seizure... well I didn't know, until yesterday." He said. "But are you out of the hospital? How are you feeling?"

"I feel better. I'm at home now."

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