A blessing in disguise - TOP and Daesung

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You've been dating the all famous Choi Seung Hyun about a year now. When the press found out about your relationship, the articles about you two were the most popular ones for more than two weeks. Everything was perfect at the beginning - both of you going on dates, going on variety shows, receiving congratulation and encouraging comments and messages.

Through this year you got close with the rest of BigBang and TOP got close with your friends too. You loved each other and and were happy. Until one day....

It was 31st March. It was chilly outside and you were home alone. TOP was at the YG building due to some schedule. You were bored to death. 'Why don't I pay him a visit?!'. You thought to yourself.

You got up from the sofa you were sitting on and prepared for going out. You wore a pastel purple pullover and white jeans. You took your coat from the hanger and got out of the house.
On your way th the YG building you passes by a pastry shop. You know how much TOP loves cheesecake so you decided to buy him some.
The security in front of YG knew you so he let you in without any problems. He even told you that Choi Seung Hyun-ssi was on the third floor in studio 'B'.

Currently, you were in the elevator, waiting to reach floor three.
After you exited the elevator, you headed to studio 'B'. You've been there hundreds of times so you could go there with eyes closed.

You opened the door without knocking. You had expecting to see BigBang recording the next hit song which would be on top of all charts for moths. Instead of this, you saw something that broke your heart - no one but TOP and an unknown girl making out on the couch. They were both with messy hair and wrinkled clothes. The girl's top was almost taken off.

They stopped their actions the moment the door opened. You were staying there, shocked and ignorant of words. Tears were rolling down your cheeks without you realising it.

"Y/N!" TOP began but you interrupted him.
"What are you diong... no... why are you doing it?" You asked him.

"It was an accident." He muttered.
"An accident?! What the hell!" you shouted at him and threw the plastic bag with the cheesecake in it aside.

You ran down the corridor, trying to wipe your tears. You were headed back to the elevator but when it opened someone bumped into you.

"Oh, (Y/N)! Hello... What's wrong?" Seening you crying, Daesung's constant smile was replaced with a worried look.

"(Y/N), come back. I'll explain." TOP's voice could have been heard.

Daesung is a smart head so he immediately guessed what may have happened. He pulled you into the elevator and pressed the button for the upper floor. There you entered an unoccupied room. He comforted you and helped you to calm down.
"Do you mind telling me what happened? Sharing might make you feel better." He softly told you.

You explained everything to him. From the start of the day to how you saw him with the girl.

Daesung felt very disappointed with his hyung, angry even. He never admitted it but Daesung loved you as a friend from the moment he set your eyes on you. He said nothing because you were his hyung's girlfriend but with the time passing, he began feeling jealous and at some point Daesung realised he loved you.

After you calmed down, he offered you to take you home to which you agreed.

During the car drive you were constantly receiving calls and messages from TOP. You replied with one single text: "We're done!" you wrote and turned your phone off.

◾◾◾5 months later◾◾◾

The news about your brake up with TOP broke out almost immediately but died down within the same time. Not only one or two of his fans were happy to say that their oppa was single again.

You got over Choi Seung Hyun with the help of Daesung. He was doing everything to make you smile and he was succeeding.

Four months after you broke up with TOP, Daesung asked you on a date and you gladly accepted. He took you to the perfect place. And there he asked you if you would be his girlfriend to which you answere with a 'yes'. He was making you feel something which you didn't with TOP.

You were keeping your relationship in secret. But everyone, who knew you well enough, could tell you were together, more specifically, GD, Taeyang and Seungri. Due to this you didn't mind kissing in front of them.

Meanwhile, TOP was a little depressed. He realised his mistake and was angry only with himself for letting such amazing girl as you go. Also, he knew you were happy with someone and that was making him happy too.


It was September. A chilly day and it was slightly raining.

Choi Seung Hyun entered the YG building. He had schedule with the rest of BigBang he had to attempt - recording the last part of the MADE album.

He entered the 'B' studio on the third floor. He opened the door and saw BigBang and you. Daesung's arms were around you waist and you were telling him something while he was lovingly looking at you.
Then he leaned and kissed your soft lips. Immediately, the rest of BigBang went all childish, making kissing noises.

When you broke the kiss, you noticed TOP standing at the door. You looked at Daesung, he only smiled and nodded.
You went to TOP and pulled him outside the room so you could talk in private.

"How are you?" He asked you awkwardly.
"I'm fine. What about you?"
"Me too... I didn't know you were with Daesung." He said.
"Yeah... Listen, I want to tell you something. If you're angry with our relationship, say it to me and don't bother Daesung. He did nothing wrong." You said with a stern voice.

"I'm not angry." He said after a second of silence "I don't have the right to be... Actually, I'm happy. You two found love." TOP said.

You were standing in silence for a minute.
"Can we at least be friends?... I won't forgive myself if I'm in bad terms with you."

You smiled "Of course, we can."

Vicky-Angel, thank you for requesting. I hope you like it.

Guys, where are you from? I never asked you that.

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