Poker face - GD

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****Mature Content****
(Well, kind of)

It was the late afternoon of one of those rainy Sundays. (a/n: see what I did here. how ironic is that?! 😂)
You and Ji Yong were in the living room.

"Ji Yong, I'm bored." you complained "Let's do something interesting."

He looked at you lazily and asked: "What do you suggest?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. Cooking? No, I'm not in the mood.... Colouring books?"

Ji Yong looked at you again. This time with raised eyebrow."Seriously?! You're a grown woman, still you wanna colour a book." a light laught escaped his lips.

You frowned." What do you suggest, then? You, the grown mature man, huh?"

He stayed silent for a bit and the moment you though you've won this little 'argument', he broke the silence.
"What about playing poker?" a mischievous grin on his face.

You glanced at him suspiciously and nodded. "Ok, I agree but what's with the smile of yours. Why are you smiling like that?" you asked.

Ji Yong stood up and stretched his arms. "I'll get the cards."

"Yaah, answer my question!!!" you shouted after him.
"You'll see." he shouted back.


You two were sitting on the bed in front each other with crossed legs. Poker cards between you and in your hands.

Ji Yong still had this mischievous grin. You two were still playing the first round.

"Will you finally tell me the reason for this smile?"

""Yes, I will do that. When you lost this game." he said confidently "Now, pick a card. If it's ace, I win."

You picked a card and 'surprisingly' it was ace.
"Damn it." you murmured and showed him the card.

He started laughing but you were sitting there with not so pleasant expression on your face because 1)you lost 2)he still hasn't answered your question

"Ok, funny. Haha. Now answer me!"

Ji Yong came closer to your ear and whispered: "The trap in this game is that every time someone loses a round he or she has to take off a piece of their clothing."

Your eyes widened and your jawed dropped."That's not fair. You tricked me." you half-laughing after Ji Yong had backed off from you.

"I'm sorry, my dear (Y/N). You are already playing and once you've started, you can't stop in the middle of it, can you?"

You scoffed and took off your cardigan.

.......... (half an hour later).........

You and Ji Yong were at the same positions as before. The only difference was that you were with only your black bra and bikini and Ji Yong was without his socks.

You beat him once, yeey😆. He? Well.... he defeated you four times.

"Ji Yong, stop staring at me! Pick a card!"

He looked you in the eyes. Then cleared his throat, mumbled something and blush appeared on his cheeks.

You were watching him carefully while he was picking his card. "If it's ten of hearts, I lose, righ."

He nodded.
The moment he touched the card you knew it was ten of hearts and you had lost.

Without losing any more time, you tossed away the card and pushed Ji Yong on his back. You were on top of him, whispering sweetly in his ear.
"You know, Ji Yong.... This poker face of yours....that you keep so straight.... can't hide the Dragon." you giggled quetly "If you know what I mean."

Ji Yong gulped loudly, his hands already founded their place on your waist.
You were able to feel his hot breath on your neck, while he was trying to calm his breathing down.
But when you are a turned on man, like him, with a sexy woman, like you, sitting in his lap.... It doesn't quiet work, you know.

He grabbed your waist once again and rolled you at one side so now you were below him.

His hands supporting his body so that he wouldn't smash you with his weight.
"Look at you, (Y/N)..." he said, his voice full of passion and lust "You are seducing me."

You smiled and began unbuttoning his shirt. "What if I'm seducing you?" you asked playfully, biting your lips.

"Don't do my job." he whispered while leaving butterfly kisses on your neck.

He moved his arm so he can reach your bra clip but then you noticed something falling of his sleeve - cards!

You looked at the cards for a second and decided to take the control again. You rolled Ji Yong at one side, going back to the original position.

"So you were cheating, huh?" you said.

"I may have done so. I'm a bad boy." he smirked.

"Ooh, you really are a bad boy, Kwon Ji Yong. And you know what happens with bad boys?" you whispered, your lips brushing.

"What happens with them?" he asked unable to control himself anymore.

"They get punished!"

Hello, hello. Long time no see. How have you been? I dont know what to say about this one shot....

NekoKells commented on my "R-Dragon" one shot and said he/she had thought in would be a smut.😅😅 Again sorry for disappointing. This one ☝is kind of smut.

Thank you for the 2.5K readings.

Oh my God!! Two hours and 27 minutes till Ji Yong's birthday. Kyaaa. Can't wait.

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