Caught in action - Daesung

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It was the first anniversary since you and Daesung got together. One day you were introdused to each other by a mutual friend. And since then you were best friends. Three months later, exactly a year back from today, Daesung confessed his love towards you.

You were sitting in the back yard of your shared house remembering all those sweet moments you had spent with him. You softly laughed to yourself and sipped from the cup of tea in your hand.

Surprisingly, a year has passed but none of you two has ever talked about announcing your relationship. May be that was because BIGBANG wasn't promoting at the moment and you could spend more time together, mostly at home. No need for other people to stalk you.

As you were in the back yard watching the setting sun, you heard the front door being open and them closed. A second later Daesung called your name.

"(Y/N)-ah, are you home?" He asked.
"Yeees." You replied "I'm outside."

A ment later he was in front of you with that bright smile of his. He took your hand making you stand up.
"Happy anniversary, jagiya." Daesung kissed you on the lips "I love you."

You gladly returned the kiss. When you entered the house Daesung surprised you with a huge bouquet of flowers and a stylish silver necklace.

You gifted him a framed photo of you two. It was the first photo you took togethr as a couple.

"Jagi" he began "Lets go to a club. I feel like partying today."

You accepted his offer and rushed upstairs to put up something appropriate. Daesung changed his clothes with blue skinny jeans and a dark V-neck shirt, you were with a knee-length dark red dress.

You went to a club in Gangnam. When you entered the place you were hit with the scent of alcohol, cigarettes and dancing people. The music was loud and most of the lights - turned off.

You danced with Daesung to some unknown beat. You were drinking with him. You even run into some friends which only made the party better. The two of you danced and drank more.

At some point you found yourselves on one of the little sofas in the club. You were making-out, not caring about anything else in the world.

💞10:00AM, next morning💞

You woke up because something was tickling your nose. Turned out it was just Daesung's hair.
You stood up and regretted it immediately. Your head hurt like hell! You had, obviously, a hang-over.

You let your body fell back down on the bed and a loud thud was heard. You groaned.
"What is it?" Daesung's asked with a sleepy voice.
"My head." You replied. You heard him chuckle "It's not funny!"

"I know. Mine hurts too."

In the next moment you heard the short music tune announcing the unlocking of your door. Both of you looked at each other and stood up. You put some clothes and went to see who entered your home.

It was Seungri.
"Morning, love birds." He smirked.

"What are you doing here so early?" Daesung asked the maknae.

"Early?! It's ten o'clock!" He protested "Anyway. Congratulations on your first anniversary."

"Thank you." You cheered.

"Also!" Seungri continued "Have you seen the Internet?" You shook your heads "Go on! Check it out!"

You took your phone and opened the first news site you thought of. And guess what! The first artical that appeared was about you and Daesung. There were photos of you, dancing in the club and later making-out on the little sofa.

"What are we going to do?" You asked your boyfriend.
"Nothing. I want them to know we are together. We'll announce it officially." He simply said.

You grinned and connected your lips with him, giving him a passionate kiss.

"Jesus, do you really need to do it here?!" Seungri asked.

You paid no attention to him so he just shook his head and left the house, leaving both of you to each other's selves.

That's something I've half written long time ago and continuously forget to finish. But here it is. Is it good?

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