Chapter 56

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Emma's POV

Killian and I went to David and Mary-Margaret wedding and it was beautiful and Leia didnt go because she was to busy working on new songs for her group.

"So that was lovely." Killian says.

"Yes it was." I say.

"Whats wrong love?" He asks.

"Just thinking." I say.

"Okay." He says.

"Killian watch out!" I yell as he almost hit a dog in the street.

"You alright love?" He asks me as the car stopped.

"Im fine. Wheres the dog?" I ask getting out of the car.

"I dont know love. I didnt hit it." Killian says getting out of the car.

"Here puppy. Here puppy puppy." I say.

Leia's POV

I was with Ryder and we had saw my mom and dad walking around outside their car.

"What are they doing?" Ryder asks.

"Here puppy." My mom says.

"Oh no." I say.

"What?" He asks.

"Remember the puppy I found and left in my room for the last week?" I ask.

"Yeah about what it?" He asks.

"We have been looking for him.... Your messing with me." I say and playfully hit his arm.

"Sorry I had to." He says laughing.

I pushed him over to my parents and we went over to them.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad. Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"Nothing." My mom says.

"I almost hit a dog and your mother is trying to find it." My dad says.

"You didnt hit him didnt you?" I ask.

"Leia, He said almost." Ryder says.

"Shut up." I say.

"Sorry I cant find him. Wait.. Leia how do you know it was a boy?" My mom asks.

"Ummm..." I say.

"Leia how many times do I have to tell you no strange animals in the house." She says to me.

"Sorry mom." I say.

We all went looking for the puppy again and it was very late.

"I found him." Ryder says.

"Thank you." I say to him.

He handed me the puppy and off he went.

A year later

Im now 19 years old and the music world was starting to go crazy. The band and I post lots of covers on Youtube and everything is perfect. Especially one thing one thing that every girl has been waiting for. My parents are officially getting married. My dad asked my mom last night and as their only daughter a child who has always wanted her parent together is finally gonna get it. Im so happy for my mom and dad. So very very happy.

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