Chapter 20

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(Killian's thoughts about if he knew about Leia)

Killian's POV

I walked into the house after being gone for a few months. My little girl was almost a year old. Emma was past out on the couch with her books on her lap.

"Killian hi." Ingrid says to me.

"I let myself in Im sorry. You dont mind right?" I ask.

"While your here this is your home. Leia is in her room." She says.

"Would you like me to move Emma up to her room?" I ask.

"Yes that would be nice." She says.

I lift Emma up in my arms and carried her bridal style as I got to her room. I opened the door and placed her in her bed. I kissed the top of her head and went to see my baby.

"Hi baby girl. Daddy's home." I say to Leia picking her up.

"Dada." Leia says.

"Yes thats me. I love you." I say and kiss her head.

"Hey Killian would you like a snack?" Ingrid asks.

"Sure thanks." I say.

"No problem." She says.

I placed Leia on the ground and I sat on the floor. The whole time she kept crawling and would climb in my lap.

"I guess I you want is your daddy." I say.

"She isnt the only one that wants you." Emma says walking up.

"Momma." Leia says.

"Go to momma." I say and let Leia go.

"You know I hate you being gone so long." Emma says picking Leia up.

"I know and Im sorry. I hate it too, but Emma its my life. You know that." I say standing up.

"Yes I know. I just dont want you to miss her growing up thats all." She says.

"Then join me." I say.

"What?" She asks.

"Come with me. Come with the band. It could be us and our daughter together all the time. Dont you want that?" I ask.

"Killian theres school and my mom and my friends. Killian I dont know." She says.

"Homeschool. You can always write letters to your mom and friends. Swan I dont like being away from my girls please just think about coming with me." I say.

"Okay." She says.

"Okay you'll think about it." I say.

"No, okay. I wanna go with you." She say.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes really." She says and kisses me.

"Yucky." Leia says.

(Back to Reality)

Leia's POV

"Your crazy." Ryder says to me.

"I am not. Just do it." I say.

"Leia this is stupid. Im not doing it." He says.

"Please. Just go in there and snoop through Graham's stuff see if he is hiding anything." I say.

"And how do I get past him? He's a cop." He says.

"So. Just stay out of the light. I already disabled the security camera in the office when I went to see my mom earlier." I say.

"Leia? Ryder? What are you two doing?" My dad asks.

"Dad, Hi." I say.

"Hi Mr.Jones." Ryder says.

"So what are you two doing?" My dad asks again.

"Waiting." I say.

"Waiting for what?" My dad asks.

"Yes Leia what are we waiting for?" Ryder asks me.

"Stray animals. They come out at night." I say.

"Leia the truth." My dad says.

"That is the truth." I say.

"I know Swan's pretty well and I know when they lie." He says.

"Okay. Ryder over heard Graham say that since mom cheated on him with you then he can get her drunk enough so that she cheats on you with him." I say.

"Ryder is this true?" My dad asks him.

"Yeah. Its true. I shouldnt have told her and now she is paranoid." Ryder says.

"Okay. Well Emma isnt going to fall for a stunt like that, but its sweet you want to protect us." My dad says to me.

"Well I dont want this family to get hurt. Wait why are you out here?" I ask.

"Liam called. His... His sink broke." He tells me.

"Liam has a sink?" I ask.

"Nope he is drunk and broke the bar's sink." He says.

"Okay. See you at home." I say.

"Yeah see ya." He says and walks away.

"Broken sink that liar." I say.

"Coming from the girl that told him Graham had a cheating plan. Lying runs in your Jones vains." Ryder says.

"Oh shut up its time. Graham is leaving now you are breaking into the sheriff station." I say.

"Your going with me." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"In case we get caught. You can tell all about the cheating plan Graham has." He says.

"Fine lets go." I say.

I used my mom's key and we headed inside and about 2o minutes later Graham walked in with my mom. Oh crap I forgot about the silent alarm that alerts the sheriffs is something is happening after hours. Damn it.

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