Chapter 6

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Killian's POV

(How Killian thinks life would be if he knew about Leia after he left with his band.)

My parents thought it would be best we see them back in Storybrooke before they move away. I was unsure because of how I broke Emma. When we got to town I saw Emma and she looked alittle different.

"Swan? Hey." I say to her.

"Killian how are you? Why are you?" She asks.

"Why and how am I here? My parents thought me and my brother should come and see them. Umm Swan not to be rude, but you look bigger." I say.

"Oh right about that. Come with me." She says and pulls me in to the town library.

"Swan whats up?" I ask.

"Well I found out the same day you left and Killian... Im pregnant. Its yours." She says.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I ask.

"Because when I found out you were gone." She says.

"Oh." I say.

"You dont have to stay with me or the baby if you dont want to." She says.

"No I do you wont mind would you. I'll try to be around the most I can." I tell her.

"Alright." She says.

Months later our baby was born and we named her Leia and she is going to be a rockstar's daughter.

Back to Reality.

Leia's POV

I went into the docks after school and began to think. When someone tapped my shoulder.

"Trying to write something new?" Ryder asks.

"Yeah trying." I say.

"Hey Lei how's the songs coming?" Jenson asks me.

"Working on it." I say.

"You'll get it." Ryder says place his hand on my shoulder.

"Anyway we need to get to work double time. My house my brother and the others will be there." Jenson says and walked away.

"I wanna drop out of the group." I say.

"No you cant do that. If you do Im stuck with Clay the football jock, Lexi the rudest person ever, Mimi miss thinks she's perfect, my stupid sister Brooke, Nigel who never shuts up, and Jenson who Im pretty sure hates me." Ryder says.

"Well for me its Clay the guy that used me, Lexi the one who has bullied me for years, Mimi miss pretends she is mean, your sister Brooke who pretends to me dumb, Nigel who is suppose to be my friend but really wants to meet Sinking Ship, and Jenson the idiot who put me in is group and made me the leader of us all." I say.

"Leia we can do this is just alot more weeks of this then we are out of it." He says.

"Yeah your right." I say.

"Here take a cigaret it will calm you." He says.

"Thanks." I say placing it in my mouth.

"You know your dad is the most talented man in all the town along with the others from his band and yet I dont see why they broke the band up." He says.

"For the ones they love." I say.

"Yeah, but working another job you hate to replace the one you love for a woman. Not something I would do." He says.

"Well they never thought they would either. It just happened and I cant change that." I say.

"You want the band back? Dont you?" He asks.

"No.. Not really. Okay fine I do, but I cant hurt my mother and the woman who raised me all because my idols arnt musical anymore." I say.

"Your right. On to another topic. Do you feel safe?" He asks.

"What?" I question.

"Do you finally feel safe? Walsh is dead. Albert is gone. Do you feel safe?" He asks.

"No. I dont. Albert said someone really wants me dead. I dont think its over, but whoever it is is laying low. For now anyways." I say.

"My money is on Graham. He maybe sheriff, but I never trusted that man." He says.

"Its not Graham or I dont know. Can I just write." I say.

"Sure you can write about how Graham is trying to kill you." He says.

"Oh shut up." I say and punch his arm.

"Just saying. Graham isnt a trusty sheriff. Your mother is. He isnt at least to me anyway." He says and walked away.

Could Ryder be right? Could it be Graham? I mean he does have the most reasons in doing so. No it cant be him or maybe it could be.

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Ps I have a new story out called Tough Times please go and Read it. It would mean alot to me. Thanks.

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