Chapter 22

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Killian's POV

I woke up to the bed being empty and Emma was finishing getting ready.

"Love its 6:30am on a Saturday come back to bed." I say.

"After last week with the break in Graham wants me to come in early on weekends." She says.

"Uh Graham." I say.

"Killian be nice I chose you didnt I. Graham isnt a bad guy, but you can hate him all you want." She says.

"I love you." I say to her.

"I love you too. Oh and Leia is going across the street to Ryder's today." She says.

"I told you I dont like that kid." I say.

"Its her friend and its for the music thing. Im telling you because I dont want you to snap at her or him. Okay I have to go." She says.

"I'll see you later." She says and kisses me.

I walked downstairs and Leia was already awake.

"You know its 6:30 in the morning why are you awake?" I ask her.

"Im going to the docks to write. I'll be at Ryder's later." She tells me.

"Yeah okay." I say.

"Hey dad. You wanna met me at lunch at Granny's? I have something important to tell you." She says.

"Is everything okay? Cant we just talk here?" I ask.

"Grandma cant cant be trusted." She says.

"True. I'll see you later." I say.

Leia's POV

Its 10am and I went to Ryder's house and knocked on the door and Brooke answered.

"Oh you." She says.

"Brooke who is it?" Mimi asks.

"Yeah Brooke who is here? Oh dear god its you." Lexi says.

"Look is Ryder here?" I ask.

"Why?" Brooke asks.

"Yeah why?" Mimi ask.

"Look Ryder doesnt like you. So you should leave." Lexi says.

"Lexi, Brooke, Mimi, leave Leia alone. Come in." Ryder says and pulls me inside.

"Just so you know my dad is watching." I say.

"Oh okay. Come with me." Ryder says.

We walked into his room and he shut the door.

"You could have told me they are around." I say.

"Im sorry. So what is thats so important?" He asks.

"Graham is on to us or on to something." I say.

"Look we cant do this alone." He says.

"Yeah I know I have an idea." I say.

"Oh god what have you planned?" He asks.

"Its not a full plan, but I'll let you know when its all together." I say.

"Okay just dont go overboard." He says.

Killian's POV

I walked into Granny's and Leia was already waiting for me.

"Hey whats this about?" I ask.

"This is stupid, but I know you will be much help." She says.

"Okay your sitting in the back and whispering. Now whats happening?" I ask.

"Albert Spencer told me that the someone that hired him is still out there and Ryder says he thinks Graham is behind it and the other night I saw him out my window." She says.

"Wait Graham outside your window and could be trying to hurt you?" I ask.

"Yeah and you cant tell anyone. I need to know if its true first." She says.

"Hun I should tell your mother." I say.

"No. You cant. Please not yet. You have to keep it from her. Please." She begs.

I looked at her and she clearly didnt like the thought of her mom knowing.

"Okay fine. I wont tell her, but you have to tell me what you find out. Okay." I say.

"Thanks dad." She says.

"So he was outside your window?" I ask.

"Yes. It was creepy." She says.

That night I waited outside on the porch and Emma walked out.

"Killian come to bed." Emma says.

"Not now love." I say taking a sip of my drink.

"Hey are you alright?" She asks.

"Im fine." I lie.

"Killian just come in. Its freezing out here." She says.

"How well do you know Graham? Would he ever hurt someone? Other then me. Would he?" I ask.

"Other then you I dont think so. Where is this coming from?" She asks.

"Its just a thought. Thats all." I say.

"Okay now come to bed." She says.

"Okay love." I say.

She helped me up and I looked around and Graham wasnt there. I was relieved, but I dont trust Graham never have never will. He is now also on my list of people I will hurt.

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