Chapter 15

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Killian's POV

I stood up and walked over to the one that came to see me.

"What made you come here?" I ask.

"I thought I should come here to see you." Emma says.

"So you really wanted to come me?" I ask.

"Yeah, but Im really am sorry for what I said to you." She says to me.

"So am I Emma. I shouldnt have choose this over everyone. Im am such a idiot. I dont think they will forgive me. I dont think you really should either." I say.

"Well I do." She says.

"And we to forgive you mate." Robin says.

"Your all here?" I ask.

"Yes we came to see your show." David says.

"Thats was some performance." Neal says.

"Oh shut up." I say.

"We all over reacted. We are sorry brother." Liam says.

"So you all came to watch me look stupid and apologize after I was a jerk?" I ask.

"Yes that is all true." Emma says and hugs me.

They all just looked at each other and then looked at me.

"Your all lying. You guys didnt want to come see me did you? Your all still mad at me? If your all still mad why are you here?" I ask letting go of Emma.

"Because Leia told us to come." Emma says.

"So a 17 year old told you to come here?" I ask.

"Yes she did. We really didnt want to come, but Leia thought it would be best." David says.

"Fine! Okay you all can leave me alone now." I say.

"Killian.." Emma says.

"No! You all just dont get it!" I yell.

"Easy there Killian. Look we are all mad, but I think its time we just all forget about it. Now come on lets all go home." Liam says.

"No." I say.

"No?" Emma questions.

"Why should I go home when you all cant stand me?" I ask.

"Ugg Dad thats enough. Now tell them what you told me. The truth this time." Leia says walking up.

Behind her was Regina, Zelena, Milah, Belle, Rumple, Hades, Mary-Margaret , and Elsa trying to stop her.

"The truth. Killian what is she talking about?" Emma asks.

"I dont want to talk about it." I say.

"Leia would you please tell us?" Emma asks her.

"Its not my place to say." Leia says.

"No tell them. Tell them all." I say.

"Well you heard him. Tell us." David says.

"Okay. He told me that he is miserable in Storybrooke. Before you all start yelling at him its not all of you. Your all the reason he wants to be there. Its just that his whole life is music and without it he is empty. Thats why he took the show and still went for it when no one else came. Its a part of him he cant let go of. Its who he is." Leia tells them.

"Is that the truth?" Emma asks me.

"Well actually what I said was I love you all and love Storybrooke, but music is like my drug. She added all that whole life thing." I admit.

"You may not have said that with your words, but you said it with your eyes." Leia says.

"Okay Leia your officially creepy." David says.

"Anyways Killian why didnt you tell us or at least me?" Emma asks.

"Because I didnt want you to blame yourself." I say to her.

"Killian I know music is your life maybe you can use it somewhere back in Storybrooke or something." Emma says.

"Yes back to the home town. I have to say it was nice not seeing the five idiots around." A person says.

When he stepped into the light the boys and I moved the girls behind us. I kept Emma and Leia close to me and made eye contact with the person. It was an old rival of ours and he's not a very pleasant one.

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