Chapter 16

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Killian's POV

I held my arm in front of Emma and Leia. I couldnt let this creep come closer to my family.

"Killian who is that?" Emma asks.

"Silver Jackson." Leia says.

"Who?" Emma asks.

"Silver Jackson, he is like a crazy musician. You know Silver and the Rockers. The band of grown men who have always been outcast fit in. Most importantly they are Sinking Ship biggest rivals." Leia explains.

"How on earth do you know so much about them?" I ask her.

"Everyone knows that." She says.

"Just dont talk to him." I say.

Silver made his way to the stage and stood in front of us.

"Killian Jones, you have got to be joking. When they said you were playing alone we had to come see." Silver says.

"We?" I question.

"Well myself and them." He says pointing at his bandmates.

"Okay who are they?" Belle asks.

"Hyde, Jekyll, Hans, and Pat but they call him BlackBeard." Leia says.

"What smart girl. So the rumors were true. The great womanizer Killian Jones got his teenage girlfriend pregnant and his daughter found him and the two love bird reunited. Ending Sinking Ships forever." Silver says.

"Look we know you all have a problem with the 5 of us. Just let the girls, Rumple, and Hades go." I say.

"Whats the fun in that. We want all of you here. Oh dear Killian when you all quit we all smiled. We loved you boys gone. That stupid pathetic excuse for a band well now we hear you all gave that up. What a shame. Anyway I wanted to tell you all that we shall be in Storybrooke around that Senior Spring Talent thing and we will take our favorite performer and have the signed on to our new record label that we call Silver Jackson's records." He says.

"So what. That has nothing to do with us. Why even go where it wont help you anyways?" I ask.

"Oh we wouldnt dream of seeing stupid talentless brats, but we have to go because we got an interesting tip from someone in your town. That your daughter is the next big star and taking her from you well thats just a dream come true." He says.

"Leia would never go with you." Liam says.

"Yeah Leia isnt stupid." David says.

"Oh dear ones it doesnt matter what you say. You all know that she is Killian's daughter which means music is in her blood she'd never give up a chance to follow that dream. She takes after her daddy. He proved it tonight that he cant give up his music." He says.

They all walked away from us and Emma gave me a worried look. Her worst nightmare was coming true. There would be a chance that Leia would leave and never come home. I have to find away to stop it from becoming true. I cant hurt my Swan that way.

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