Chapter 14

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Killian's POV

Emma told me to leave and never come back. Why would I want to do that I love Emma and Leia so much. I dont want to leave them forever just a few days.

"KILLIAN! Snap out of it." David says hitting me in the head.

"Sorry its just Emma told me to not come back." I say.

"If Leia wouldnt have told them we wouldnt all be in trouble of losing them." He says.

"Leia did the right thing. We cant blame her. We were the ones lying." Robin says.

"Thanks mate." I say.

"You know what Robin your right. We shouldnt blame Leia. We should blame Mr.Music over here. If you wouldnt hae agreed one more show we wouldnt have lied and they would have been allowed to help us get stuff, but no Mr.Showoff you had to get another show." David says to me.

"Hey I asked all of you if you wanted to do so. You cant blame me for yourself saying yes." I say to him.

"Killian, David thats enough. We all made the choice, but we didnt have to lie to them. Thats where we went wrong." Liam says.

"You know what. Mary-Margaret is more important then this band and I know that now. Im not going." David says.

"Fine we dont need you." I say.

"You know what Im with David. I cant let Elsa be mad at me." Neal says.

"Fine no one cares." I say.

"Im sorry Killian, but I want Belle to forgive me." Rumple says.

"You wernt important anyway." I say.

"I would go, but Zelena has this 24 hour window for me to come back so Im sorry." Hades says.

"Thats fine like Rumple you wernt really important." I say.

"Look Killian you know I would go, but your being mean to everyone and I dont want to go now." Robin says.

"Fine go back to Regina. Like I care." I say.

"Brother maybe we shoulnt go. Its tearing up love and its ruining the friendships." Liam says.

"No you just want Milah to forgive you! You know what no one will miss any of you. I was the star. I was loved by all. You all were just my less attractive background players. I dont need you. I dont need anyone." I say.

"Wow Mate thats nice to know. You know what. Not only have you lost Emma, but you've lost your friends plus your brother. I hope your happy with yourself." Robin says and walked away.

"You know Emma was right. Dont come back." David says then leaves.

"You dont need us and we dont need you." Neal says and left.

"We may not be important to you, but Rumple and I are important to others." Hades says and then he and Rumple walked away.

"You know what Killian. You hurt Emma, you hurt this band, you hurt your friendships. This isnt the first time you have done all that. What I cant seem to figure out is how can you hurt Leia?" He questions and walked away.

I wasnt hurting anyone. They all just dont understand that music is who I am. I dont need them. I dont need Emma. I dont need anyone I can do this myself.

A few days later.

The show was a total bust. Im am such an idiot. I needed them all. I dont know where to go now. Im lost without any of them. I missed my friends and I missed my daughter. I also really missed my Emma. I screwed over everyone and there was no way any of them will ever forgive me. Then I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around.

"Hey." The person says.

"What are you going here? I mean Hey." I say to the person.

A/N: Who is it? Any guesses? Who do you think it is?

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