Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

That night Killian and I laid in my bed talking about what he have done to Leia and how upset she must be. Killian and I got up early and decided to make breakfast together.

"How mad is she?" My mom asks walking into the kitchen.

"We dont know. We decided to make breakfast and hope she forgives us." Killian says.

"Well if I know Leia she gets mad over little things so watch out if she throws a fit." My mom says.

"Well we can handle it." I say.

"Here she comes." My mom says and walked out the front door.

"Leia good morning." I say.

She didnt say anything and sat down at the table with her notebook.

"Leia your mother said good morning." Killian says.

"Killian dont push it. Lets just leave her be." I say.

"Okay Love." He says.

"Well we made breakfast." I say.

"Swan, she isnt talking to us." He says.

"Leia we are so sorry about last night. We didnt mean to miss out." I say.

Leia got up and walked out. We had made her very upset.

Leia's POV

Do they really think making breakfast is going to make up for missing something important to me.

"Leia!" I heard Regina yell.

I stopped in my place as she and Robin walked up.

"Hey Leia. Look we wanted to apologize." Robin says.

"Leia please dont be to mad. It was an accident." Regina says.

"Regina lets not bother her." Robin says and takes Regina the other way.

I went inside Granny's and sat down with my journal.

"Hey Leia, what can I get you?" Ruby asks.

"Nothing right now." I say.

"Okay just let me know." She says.

I went back to writing in my book and Ryder walked up and sat across from me.

"So your still pissed at your family?" He asks.

"Yeah I am." I say.

"Hey how about we go to the beach for a smoke?" He asks.

"No, I cant I promised my family I wouldnt do that anymore." I say.

"And they promised to come to your performance." He says.

"You know what your right." I say.

We walked outside and went to the beach. He pulled out a pack of cigarets and handed me one. If my family wants to break a promise to me they I will break a promise to them. I lite the cigaret and blew out the smoke.

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