Chapter 15

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I hear the doors in the distance, and jump off the grievers back. I pet it's head, and it shucking PURRS in response. I chuckle, and it runs off. "Well, that was interesting." Thomas mumbles. "WHAT IN THE THE ACTUAL SHUCKING SHUCK." Minho says. I giggle. "How the shuck did you do that?" I shrug, and we sprint to the doors. From a distance, I see Chuck on the grass with his head in his hands. "Chuck!" I yell. He looks up and his eyes light up. "Guys! They're back!" Chuck announces. I run to Chuck and give him a hug and he hugs me back. "Missed you, Chuckie." I say. He laughs and pulls back. Minho, Thomas, and I are greeted by more hugs. I feel someone squeeze my butt. "Hey! Paws of Bucko!" I yell (from max ride). "Y/n!" I turn and see Newt running towards me. I hug him and then pull away. "Are you crazy?? I thought you were gonna die!" Newt exclaims. "Oh shuck, we forgot about Ben." I say. "Thomas and I will go get him." Minho says. The two disappear into the maze for about 5 minutes, before reappearing with Ben in their arms. They drop Ben into the arms of Jeff and Clint and they take him to the hut. "You saw a griever?" Chuck asks. "Yeah." I say. "She didn't just see it. She tamed it." Minho says. "What??" everyone asks. "We can discuss this later, let them get their rest. We will have a gathering this afternoon." Alby announces. Everyone leaves, and I walk to my room. I go to shower, and Minho guards the doors. As I am finishing up, I hear someone walk in. I look out the curtain and see Minho walking in. He goes into the shower across from me and starts the water. I smirk, and reach for my clothes. Shuck. I only have my shorts. I pull them on, and peek outside. I quickly snatch Minho's shirt, hoping he doesn't mind. I slip it on, and it smells amazing, just like him. It hangs off me, but I don't mind. I hear Minho's shower turn off. As I walk out, I slip on the slippery floor. SHUCK. I slip onto the floor, and right into Minho's shower. Luckily, he is wearing grey sweatpants, but his hair is spiky with water and water drops are dripping off his chest and back. "Like what you see?" He smirks. I blush and he helps me up. I am about to leave, but he grabs my waist. "So that's where my shirt went." he whispers in my ear before nibbling it. I try to suppress a moan, but I can't. I feel him smile, and he pulls away. "Come on greenie. Gathering time."

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