Chapter 17

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 "[...]and then she becomes a runner."


After the gathering, Newt and Minho walked me to the slammer. At first, we walked in silence, but then Newt started talking. "Ummm... Y/n, are you wearing Minho's shirt?" Newt asks. I blush and Minho laughs. "Yeah, I couldn't find one." I tell him. He nods and opens the slammer. "Luckily, you still get food, so I'll bring you some." Newt says. I nod and jump in. I'm glad I'm in Minho's shirt, it will help me sleep better tonight. "You look lonely." Minho says. "Yeah, I will be." I joke. "Okay." Minho says before jumping in and locking us in. "What the shuck Minho! What are you doing??" I gasp. "You said you were gonna be lonely. I don't want you to be lonely." Minho says. I blush and smile. I hear Newt walk away. "Is he okay?" Minho asks. I shrug. We wait for 10 minutes in silence, but it is comfortable. Newt walks over with a plate of food and a cup of water. he hands it to me. "Thanks. I feel SO loved." Minho says while crossing his arms. Newt and I laugh. "It's okay. We can share." I tell Newt. He nods and walks away. We share the sandwich and the water. As the day fades into night, Minho and I huddle up against the wall. He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean against his. We sit like this for a while. "Are you okay?" Minho asks. "Yeah." I say. He lifts my face up with his thumb and looks into my eyes. "I promise we'll get out of here Y/n. I promise you." he swears. I nod, but tears begin to stream down my face. "Hey, it's okay." he coos. I shake my head. "You don't understand Minho. We won't ever be together." I whisper. "What?" he asks. "I-I've had dreams. In my dreams we get out, but then they take me away and kill me and tell you I'm dead. Then they wipe me from everyone's memories. Or sometimes it's the other way around. I-I just don't know what to do." I sob. He pulls me closer and I bury my face in his chest. "I will NEVER let anyone take you away from me or harm you. And I will NEVER forget you." he says fiercely. I sniffle"Promise?" I ask. He looks at me and smiles. "I promise."

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