Chapter 5

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After Minho leaves, I decide to cool off. My face seems to want to maintain its cherry red tone. "Y/n, you okay?" I turn to find Newt standing by the trap door. "Yeah, I'm good." I say. "Really? Then why is your face as bright as a tomato?" I only blush harder, and then turn back to the glade. "What happened? Why are you wearing Minho's sweatshirt?" He asks. My face starts to blaze, and I feel like my face has touched the sun. I run down the steps and sprint across the glade. Newt quickly catches up, and grabs my shoulder. "Shuck it, Greenie. You run fast." He pants. I smile with pride. Then he asks the worst question ever. "Do you like Minho?" I freeze. All the red leaves my face. I open my mouth to yell no, only to be stopped by my brain. Do you? You can't! He's been such a jerk, but a really hot one... NO! Y/n, you are stronger than this, don't let his amazing looks get to you! "Ummmm... Y/n?" Newt snaps me back into reality. "So... do you?" He asks again. I look at him, about to say no, but what comes out surprises me. "I don't know."


I decided to take a walk before everyone else was up. As I'm walking, I see Minho storming away from the tower, his face a bright scarlet. I see y/n standing on the tower. I jog up to the tower and quickly climb up. "Y/n, you okay?" i ask. She turns and looks at me, but her face is bright red, like Minho's. Huh. That's weird. ""Yeah, I'm good." she says. I decide to question her further. "Really? Then why is your face as bright as a tomato?" her face turns into a deeper shade of red. I notice that she is wearing Minho's sweatshirt. It hangs off her making her look smaller, yet adorable. "What happened? Why are you wearing Minho's sweatshirt?" I ask again. Her face turns even redder, which I thought was impossible. Suddenly, she takes off into the glade. Luckily, I manage to catch her. Damn. She's fast. "Shuck it, Greenie. You run fast." I pant. She gives me a smile that could light up my world. Then I decide to ask the obvious. "Do you like Minho?" she freezes up, the colour leaving her face. She debates for a minute, and then I interrupt. "Ummmm... Y/n?" she snaps back to real life. "So... do you?" I ask again, holding my breath. She responds quickly, "I don't know."

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