Chapter 18

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"I will NEVER let anyone take you away from me or harm you. And I will NEVER forget you."[...] "I promise."


I wake up with a slightly stiff neck. I fell asleep on Minho's shoulder, and we stayed like that he whole night. I stand up and look outside. "Morning." Minho says. "Morning." I whisper back. He stands up and puts his hands on my waist from behind me. He rests his chin on my shoulder, before turning his head and sucking my neck. I bite my lip and clench my fists. He laughs, and I turn around. "Training starts today." Minho says. I nod, and hear a clanking from behind me. "Alright, Y/n, Minho. You're free to go." Newt says. Minho helps me out before climbing out himself. We run to Fry, who has already prepared two giant omelettes for us. We shovel it into our mouths, starving. Fry laughs and takes our plates away. "Thanks, Fry." I say. He grins and scoots us out. "Okay, so come to the map room in 5 minutes. That's where we train." Minho tells me. "If I'm gonna be a runner, shouldn't I be training my running skills?" I ask. "Well, we may not just be training." Minho smirks. I laugh. "Tsk tsk, Minho. It's work hours." We separate and I change my clothes and put my hair up. I jog to the map room, knocking on the door before entering. What I see almost gives me a heart attack, but not quite. You know when you walk in on someone naked? It was kinda like that. Except he was just shirtless. And wet. I gulp. "Why are you wet?" I ask. "I took a 3 minute shower." he explains. He turns and faces me, smirking. "Come on, running isn't the only way to get your heart rate up." I shake my head, but my heart beat is quickly picking up. It's so loud, I'm sure that the grievers in the maze can hear it. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pulls me in. Our lips meet, and I rest my hands on his chest. His hands slide up into my hair, and he shakes my ponytail free. We are kissing passionately, and I can feel sparks flying. He slips his hands down to my waist and lifts me onto the table. I wrap my legs around him and deepen the kiss again. Suddenly, the door flies open, and Newt and Alby are standing there. We jump apart, and I put my hands behind my back. "What the bloody hell is happening??" Newt asks. "Were we interrupting? I thought you were 'training'." Alby says using finger quotation marks. I blush a deep red and look down. "So why are you here anyway?" I ask. "I just dropped by to tell you that because you are also a med-jack and cook, you can just help out there when you want and do full-time running." Alby explains. I nod, and he and Newt leave. Newt eyes Minho before leaving. And then looks me in the eye, but his eyes don't look skeptical. They look sad.

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