Oneshot #1

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I listened to the bell ring and gathered my books from the top of my desk.

I walked out into the hallway, out to my locker. I grabbed my jacket and headed outside. It was sorta chilly, but normal temperature for spring in New Jersey. I always enjoyed walking to pick my brother up from school. I liked the independence I felt from it. The only issue, was who I often had to walk with. My brother's friend's brother. I know, a little bit of a mind fuck. He was really quiet in class and normally stayed out of all attention. Even though I never talk to him, I had to admit, I found him quite attractive. He was often the inspiration for a lot of my art pieces. I knew him for his brother, Mikey. My brother talked about him a lot. His name was Gerard.

I watched my red converse high tops kick up rocks as I treaded down the sidewalk to my brother's school. He was in 7th grade and I was in 10th, but he always seemed so much younger than me. I could tell Gerard had the same problem. Him and Mikey seemed really close though, the opposite applying to my brother. I looked up in front of me and cought the end of Gerard's gaze. He took his eyes off me and looked back at the ground. I unfortunately, didn't get to see his eyes for very long. I looked back at the ground and bit my lip, walking in front of him.

Soon, I made it to the school. My brother was playing basketball with Mikey.
"Hey! John! Let's go!" I yelled.
"I called mom and she's letting me stay until 5" he yelled back.
"Well im leaving then!" I yelled back.
"You have to stay. Mom said so" he replied. I grunted and walked over to the school's playground to sat on a swing. Apparently, Mikey's mom had done the same thing. Gerard sat in the swing beside me. I ignored it at first until I noticed that he was looking at my sketches.
"Why are you looking at my drawings?" I closed the book and turned to face him. His eyes were stunning, beautiful hazel.
"I am? I'm sorry," he blushed. "Your really good" he smiled.
"Thank you" I bit my tongue to stop myself from saying something stupid. He looked up at Mikey and John.
"Are you and your brother close?" He asked.
"Nah...I don't spend a lot of Time with him anyway so it doesn't matter" I replied.
"You and Mikey?" I asked.
"Yeah, he actually has friends though" Gerard laughed. I smiled. His laugh was so cute, it made me happy.
"What do you mean you don't have friends?" I asked.
"I don't really like opening up to people, you know what I mean?" He replied.
"Yeah. Yeah I know exactly what you mean" I nodded.
"C'mon, your popular" he punched my arm lightly.
"Hell no." I laughed.
"Yeah! Your friends with whatsherface," he smiled.
"Maddie? Nah, she only hangs out with me because her mom likes me so she can use me to get out of the house" I explained.
"Oh..." he said distantly. "Do you like her? Like, as a person?" He asked.
"I mean, yeah. She's sweet sometimes. But like you said earlier, I don't really like to open up to people" I told him.
"Your opening up to me right now" he smirked.
"Oh yeah" I giggled. He tapped my shoulder.
"We should hang out more" Gerard smiled.
"I think we should." I smiled back.

We watched Mikey and John play for a little while before Gerard pulled out his phone and ear buds. Just when I thought I would be shut out, he grabbed my hand.
"Let's go sit on the grass" Gerard smiled to me warmly. I nodded and followed him. We sat down by the fence and he handed me an ear bud. I put it in and let the music fill my ear.
"Do you like it?" He smiled.
"This is so cool" I replied, leaning in to look at his phone.
"Yeah, it's sick. I have the record for it at home actually....You must think I'm a loser for still listening to records" he scratched the back of his head.
"No! I love records" I replied.
"Actually?" He looked surprised.
"Yeah. Nothing to be ashamed of man, we're just more authentic" I smiled.
"You a music guru too?" He laughed.
"Pretty much" I laughed with him.

We spent the next hour listening to things in Gerard's phone. Turns out, we had the same taste.
"Hey! We're leaving!" My brother yelled to me.
"Sorry, Gee" I frowned. He got up and dusted off his pants.
"No problem. See you after school tomorrow?" He asked.
"Of course." I replied. He nodded and put his hands in his pockets.
"One more thing-" I muttered. He turned around to face me. I kissed his cheek lightly. His eyes went wide and I felt his cheeks redden under my lips.
"Goodbye, gee" I smiled and skipped away, tripping on my feet. I saw Gerard giggle and turn around happily. I giggled and started off ahead of my brother.


Hey hey hey! First one shot! I'm really excited about this book. Any requests for a chapter? I would also love to hear feedback, what should I add? What do you guys like? Anyway, vote, comment, all that good shit.

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