25. The Son

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Third Person POV

George stared at Fred, wide-eyed and jaw hanging open.

"What? B-but... you've dated girls before!" He exclaimed. Fred just grinned.

"It's called being bi." He simply said. George flushed, his head tilting towards the ground ever so slightly.

Hazel appeared to be in a state of shock. "First my brother, now my ex..." she muttered. Then she turned to Frank, looking slightly panicked.

"Wait... your not-"

"What? No!" He shouted. She sighed in relief.

Throughout this, Sammy and Fred were grinning with amused expressions.

McGonagall looked perplexed for some reason. This didn't go unnoticed by the faculty.

"Is something troubling you, Minerva?" Professor Sprout asked. The students and Army Members turned to look at the Headmistress. She looked up, and nodded.

"It's just... Draco said that he was never Lucius's son, however.... I do recall that, around eighteen years ago, Lucius wrote professor Dumbledore, who later told me, that he had just had a son. I would assume that this had been a fake memory from this Chaos, but I checked, and.... the letter is still there, and a photo. So if Lucius never had a son, then why is there physical evidence that he did?"

The hall was silent. Until a mysterious voice spoke.

"Because he did have a son. Once." The army turned at the familiar tone, and all of Hogwarts stared at Chaos.


"Lucius and Narcissa had a son who they named Quinton. He was blonde as Lucius was, but with blue eyes. And he was very different from his father. He didn't like to take his father's word for things. He didn't like judging people before knowing them. So he was not as prejudice as Lucius. He also was fascinated by muggles, that's the truth. So when he was only eight years old, he ran away. That's why he was so easy for me to trick. Because he remembered having a son, I simply altered his memories of his son."

Everyone stars at Chaos. Until Harry spoke up.

"So... wait, what happened to this guy?"

"Lucius hunted him down and made him pay for being a blood traitor." Chaos said. Everyone froze.

"Wait... he... murdered his own son? I mean, Narcissa was one thing, but this, that was his blood!" Ron said. Draco looked up.

"Well, as far as he knew, so was I when he killed me. I don't think he cares."

"Your right. He doesn't care." A female voice said. Everyone stared at Narcissa Black as she entered the room. She glared at Chaos. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Chaos blinked. "What?"

"Why didn't you tell me that I really did have a son?" She whispered. Chaos tensed up. "How did you-"

"Draco. When he restored Lucius's memories, mine were restored as well." She walked closer to Chaos as she spoke. Chaos had the decency to look guilty, while Draco looked surprised. Draco had only just heard of this son, and he never meant to hurt anyone by restoring Lucius's mind. Chaos looked up from the floor, which he had been staring at. "Narcissa... I never-"

"What!? Never thought I'd find out?" She screamed. Chaos didn't reply. Narcissa was standing in front of him by this point. She jabbed her finger at his chest.

"Your going to bring him back. Your going to resurrect him." She said. Chaos shook his head.

"I can't-"

"You can and you will!"

"No, I really can't!"

"Why not!?"

"Because he isn't dead!"

Time stopped. No one spoke, but simply watched, helplessly, as Narcissa trembled with anger and grief.

"But you said-"

"I said that Lucius made him pay. And he did. Your son is not dead, but trapped in a parallel universe, I don't even know which one. And I can't help him. Even if I did know exactly where he is." Chaos spoke with a defeated tone and expression. Narcissa choked back a sob.

"Why not?"

"Because if I did, I would get trapped right along side him. Ancient laws forbid me from travelling dimensions. But the only way he could ever be brought back, as far as I know, would be if... well, if he someone went in after him. And of course, none of this matters unless someone could get to him. And I can't send anyone there. This... this is beyond me."

And Narcissa finally lost her cool. She broke down in sobs, falling to her knees.

Maria di Angelo, who had come alongside Narcissa to support her, had remained silent and unnoticed throughout the encounter between Narcissa and Chaos. But now, as her dear friend other sobbed uncontrollably on her knees, she came forward. She noticed her son Nico gasp at the sight of her, and made a mental note to speak with him later, but at this moment Narcissa was her priority.

She got on her own knees in front of Narcissa, and reached forward to hold her chin. She turned Narcissa's head towards herself, forcing Narcissa to look at her through the tears. Maria smiled at her sadly. Then she shifted, and embraced Narcissa in a tight hug.

Narcissa cried into her shoulder until her tears ran dry. When they pulled away from each other, everyone was respectfully silent.


After Maria had spoken to Nico, and told him how proud of him she was, Narcissa and Maria had left and gone back to Planet Chaos, as had Sammy and Fred, though now that George knew he was alive, Fred had promised he would visit from time to time, and George had promised to hold him to that. Luke decided to go home as well. Although he knew he was forgiven, it was still hard to look Percy or Annabeth in the eyes without feeling guilty. Bianca, not having gone with her mother, hugged Nico goodbye before she left.

James and Lily would stay for one more week, simply to spend time with their son. Chaos, of course, had also left, as had all of the campers, aside from Percy, Annabeth and Leo.

As for Draco, he hadn't left, but only because he needed to finish tying loose ends...

He was going to get Narcissa her son back. And after he did, Lucius was going to pay for his crimes.

Ooh, a cliffhanger!! Are you excited? :D Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I'll see you all next time. <3


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