11. What Happened to Narcissa Malfoy?

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Percy's POV

"What?" I asked. It just doesn't make sense... I mean, yeah, I hate Draco! I seriously, honestly, and genuinely dislike that guy. But I'm not blind. Sense the beginning of the year, he and Leo have been next to inseperable. Even if he did rejoin the death eaters, why hurt Leo?

Annabeth sniffed. "I'm sorry Percy. You were right about him all along! He doesn't care about me!" She wrapped her arms around me and sobbed into my chest. I couldn't walk away right now, I just could not do that to Annabeth. So I hugged her back, and did my best to comfort her. BUt something wasn't right. 'You were right about him all along!' Annabeth had said. But was I? I wasn't to sure. 'He doesn't care about me!' Her voice rang in my head. But doesn't he!? 

As much as I hate him, and even though I said otherwise, it really seemed like Draco did care about Annabeth. And I'm not that blind. I know that everything I said about Draco was said out of jealousy.

Something just didn't add up. Something happened. Something wasn't right.

And I needed to figure it out.

Third Person POV

"Crucio!" Cried Lucius Malfoy. Draco screamed and writhed in pain. Lucius smiled at his so-called son through the steal bars of his cell. Even though he was already in a cell, Lucius knew that he deserved every possible means of suffering for what he had done. He exited the dungeons and went upstairs.

"Mr. Malfoy!" Someone called. He turned to see none other than Pansy Parkinson. "Yes?" Lucius was mildly annoyed by the disturbance.

"I couldn't help but notice... well, Narcissa, she hasn't been seen since the escape from Azkaban. Where is she?" Pansy questioned. Lucius smiled.

"I'm afraid that she is no longe among the living." He said. The utter lack of any upsetting emotion in his expression and voice unnerved Pansy. It didn't help that he had a unwavering smile on his face.

"Isn't it obvious?" He asked in a sickly sweet tone. Pansy resisted the urge to charge in the other direction as fast as she possibly could.

"She had second thoughts about the death eater cause. And as we have all learned from Draco," He said, "we do not tolerate blood traitors." Pansy stayed frozen in place as Lucius then proceeded to walk away.


"Ms. Chase? Mr. Weasley?" Madame Pomfrey walked into Potions class where Annabeth and George were working together, as Annabeth's previous partner (Draco) was currently A.W.O.L., and George's partner, Leo, was... you know.

"Yes?" Annabeth, George, and Ron answered. Ron and George then furrowed their eyebrows and looked a each other.

"Um... Ms. Chase, Mr. George, would you please come with me? It's about Mr. Valdez." Madame Pomfrey said. Ron shrugged and went back to what he was doing. Annabeth and George, however, paled drastically. They quickly followed Madame Pomfrey to the hospital wing. They stopped outside the door.

"You two just wait here for a moment." She said.

"Ju - wait!" Annabeth said. Madame Pomfrey turned around. "Is he going to make it?" She asked. Madame Pomfrey looked at them sympathetically. "I don't know."

On that note, she entered the doors while they waited in the hallway. Annabeth and George hugged each other in an attempt to ease their worry. However, upon entering the hospital wing, the scene greeting her was rather enigmatic. She had gone to get Mr. Valdez's friends because his state had been terrible. He had paled, his breathing was uneven, and he had flatlined twice.

Yet looking at him now, he looked as though he was simply sleeping, and peacefully at that. Madame Pomfrey (Poppy)'s eyes widened and she ran to the small latino boy. She checked his pulse. Normal. She used her wand to bring up a blue 3-D glowing X-ray of the boy right above his body. Everything looked normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. Poppy allowed the X-ray to disappear, and almost immediately after doing so, the boys groaned and shifted slightly.

Poppy smiled and ran back to the doors. She took a second to compose herself. She opened the doors and smiled at them.

"I don't know how to explain it, but your friend has somehow made a miraculous recovery! He's alright!" She said almost giddy. She ushered them in and lead them to Leo's bedside, Annabeth to his left, Leo to his right. Madame Pomfrey backed away from the bad, giving them their space. As if on cue, his eyes fluttered open.

"Leo!" Annabeth and George both engulfed their friend in a bear huge. He chuckled. "Hey guys. Miss me?" He smiled.

"Leo, you jerk!" Annabeth said smiling. "Do you know how worried I was!?" She asked as she let go of him and sat on the bed by his left hip. George let go of him as well, and sat by his right hip.

"Yeah, you scared the crap out of us, mate." George said. "You really had us going there."

"NAH! Me? I'm gonna live forever." Leo gave the a cheeky smile to Annabeth and Leo.

Unfortunately, all was not as it seemed in this happy little reunion of sorts...

Leo's POV

My bed felt different. It didn't feel like the hospital wing bed. I groaned and opened my eyes. Too bright! I snapped them shut. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, rubbing them. Once my eyes adjusted, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. This was not the hospital wing at Hogwarts... And, why didn't I feel any pain? Wasn't I hit by Sectumsempra? I sat up, and took in the room. Black. Everything was black. Though there wasn't much of anything. There was a simple four-posted bed, which I was in, in the corner of a plain black marble room that was about 20 by 20 feet. Then on the opposite wall, there was a door with a slot on it, presumably for food. That was unnerving. I walked up to the door and realised there was no handle. Uh-oh... I pounded on the door. "Hey! Let me out!" I screamed. After what I presumed was five minutes of doing this, and unsuccessfully at that, I felt my pulse speed up and my breathing became uneven.

"Alright Leo..." I looked around the room. "Don't... Panic..." I told myself.

"Hello Leo Valdez." Boomed a voice that was so low it was obviously disguised somehow. "Apologies for these... unfortunate circumstances, but we had to take the necessary precautions to make sure that you didn't interfere with the switch. See, you close to someone of interest to us. We needed to replace you in order to get to that person." The voice said. Leo immediately got worried for the safety of his friends.

"Who?" He asked in a small shaky voice. An image appeared in front of him. It was him, Annabeth, George, and Draco.

"Someone in this photo, though I can't specify who. I do hope you understand, but this is a war we simply cannot lose. We must fight for our noble cause, and use any means necessary to do so. And with that, I must conclude our conversation. Farewell, Leo Valdez."

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