13. Gone

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So some people complained that Harry threw off the imperious curse or that Draco wouldnt kill himself because hypnosis works like that: however, I'd like to remind you that this is a fanfiction. If something conflicts with cannon or scientific fact, I wasnt really trying to be accurate, I was just trying to create an interesting read. You are of course entitle to your opinion, but I'm not interested in hearing it. It's absolutely fair if you dislike my story, I'm not a renowned author and you may prefer a better articulated story, but if you dislike my writing then dont read it. It's that simple.

Third Person POV

Draco pointed his wand at Annabeth. "Oh, and I can't forget. After you kill her, kill yourself." Lucius said. Draco looked at him and nodded. Lucius looked back to the other death eater and nodded. They all apperated away, and Lucius soon followed, leaving just Draco, who still had his wand pointed at Annabeth.

"Draco..." Annabeth said in a warning tone, stepping forward. He seemed to hesitate. She continued walking forward. "Don't do this," She said. "You know you don't want to."

"Annabeth, he can't. The fact that he hasn't killed you yet is a miracle. No one, not even the best Occlumens can thwart the Imperious curse, not entirely!" George warned her.

"Draco, it's me." She said. "It's Annabeth!" Annabeth couldn't give up on him, not again. Not without a fight. He seemed to lower his wand slightly. Some off the population of Hogwarts behind her gasped. Others widened their eyes. Some did both.

"Draco?" Annabeth asked, her voice cracking. His breathing became uneven.

"... Annabeth?" He asked in a shaky voice. Whooosh! A green light that looked suspiciously like a spell formed a small ball by his chest, and it soon surrounded him like one of Percy's personal hurricanes. "Ack!" Draco's face contorted with pain. He fell to his knees, and his body absorbed the light.

"Draco!?" Annabeth was about to run towards him, but he held up his hand to stop her. "NO! Stay away!" He ordered, but she couldn't just leave him.

"Draco!" She tried to walk forward, but two people held her back. She looked to see who it was, Percy and George. She struggled against them, but it was no use.

"I... I can't fight it for long. I'm gonna try to kill you..." He said, though he was holding something back. She could tell. She stopped fighting Percy and George as dread filled her.

"Draco," Annabeth spoke in a deadly serious tone. "What are you going to do?" She was scared that she already knew. He picked up his wand, which he had dropped when he fell. He held it straight up with his hand close to his chest, so the tip was touching the underneath of his chin. His plan was clear.

"NOO!" Annabeth shrieked, struggling against Percy and George once again. She had to stop him!

"I mean, it was gonna happen anyway, right after I killed you. At least you'll be alright this way." He said. A few other people from the crowd stepped up slightly, cautious not to make Draco just do it.

"Draco..." Harry said, holding his hands up and being very careful to not make any sudden moves. "Don't do this. We'll find another way."

"Too risky." Draco said. "Sorry, but I'm not taking any chances. If I killed Annabeth... I couldn't live with myself."

"Draco!" Annabeth said. She couldn't help it, she sobbed. "Please... don't." She said, a stray tear gliding down her cheek. Draco smiled at her sadly.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"No..." Annabeth shook her head, her cheeks soon becoming tear stained. "No, don't-"

"Avada Kedavra." There was a green flash of light, and Draco's head flew back from the force, his body falling to the ground.

"NO!" Annabeth cried, finally freeing herself from Percy and George's grasp, and charging forward towards Draco. She stopped right in front of him, looking at his body. "No..." She fell to her knees and lifted his head into her lap. "No, no, no, c'mon Draco, come back, come back, please!" She tapped his cheek, waiting for him open his eyes, waiting for him to tell her he was okay, that it was all some stupid prank, waiting for something - anything!

"Draco..." Her voice broke. "Draco, please..." She sobbed. Everyone from Hogwarts stood there in shock, trying to process everything. It had all happened so quickly. Everyones eyes were at least a little watery.

Annabeth felt her self being pulled up into standing position by someone, away from Draco. "No, NO!" She struggled against them but ended up standing anyway. Whoever pulled her up grabbed her wrist and she was pulled away from Draco a little bit. Annabeth saw it was Percy holding her wrist.

"No!" She struggled to get back to Draco.

"No! We can't just leave him there! We have help him, we have to-"

"Hey, HEY! Annabeth! Annabeth!" Percy tried to get her attention, and she finally stopped struggling, "Annabeth," Percy said, and she looked him in the eyes. "He's gone." He said. Annabeth looked back at Draco. "He's gone..." She repeated in a small voice. Annabeth locked eyes with Percy again. "He's gone..." She said again. "I'm sorry." He said to her. "He's gone." She repeated in a slightly more audible voice. "He's gone." She repeated again. Percy wrapped his arms around her in hug, attempting to comfort her, but she pushed him away. "He's gone!" She shrieked. She couldn't wrap her mind around everything that had happened today. It had all gone by in the blink of an eye, and she just couldn't comprehend it.

"He's gone!" She started hyperventilating. "He's gone! HE'S GONE!!" She cried. She sunk to her knees, putting her head in her hands. "He's gone!" Her body began to shake with sobs. "Annabeth?" Percy asked in a concerned voice. Leo and George came up beside Percy, and the whole school watched Annabeth, heartbroken at her state.

"He's gone!" She repeated again, and Madame Pomfrey came up to her, knowing what was happening to her. "He's gone!"

"Annabeth?" Madame Pomfrey asked, and she looked at her with grey eyes that looked almost broken. "He's gone..."

"Annabeth your in shock-"

"He's gone!"

Poppy sighed. It seemed conversation would not help her. She pointed her wand at Annabeth and muttered a sleeping spell. Annabeth collapsed on the ground.

"Mr. Jackson, please carry her to the hospital ward."


Everyone but Leo had left, as he had promised to take care of the body. They gave him a shovel to dig a shallow grave, and they had used Accio to get a casket, which Draco was in now, as well as a stone slab which they carved his name into, and were going to use as a tombstone. But Leo, or whatever his name was, had other ideas. He put the tombstone over a soft, brown, rectangular patch of dirt which he had used magic to make it look like a grave. He got Draco's dead body out of the coffin and then pointed his wand at the coffin.

"Inferno!" Flames shot out of his wand and engulfed the casket. He smiled, then looked at Draco.

"So, you just had to get yourself killed, huh?" He asked the corpse, knowing full-well he would not get an answer. "Well, that's just fine, we never really cared weather or not you'd be alive when we found you. As long as you got delivered to him." The small latino boy smiled, and pointed to the ground surrounding Draco. A portal appeared, and the corpse fell through it. Leo, or rather, his doppleganger, walked back inside the school.

Yes, I know that's not how the imperius curse works, but let's pretend for this book that it is, because that's what I needed for my story.

Like the cliffhanger? Hehe...

Bye lovely readers! <3

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