2. Hogwarts

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Third Person POV

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and George, who had all accepted their invitation back to Hogwarts, boarded the train. George was slightly sad as they boarded, very aware of the absence of his twin brother, Fred. He still hadn't recovered from his brothers death, and he probably never would. Fred was his other half, and George simply didn't know how to live without him. Of course, it didn't help that everyone continuously reminded him about it. Asking him how he was, if he was okay, what he was feeling. In an attempt to avoid this repeating itself, he pretended to be fine as Harry, Hermione, his siblings and himself found an empty compartment. Not ten seconds after they settled down, the door slid open again, revealing a muscular boy with windswept jet black hair, sea green eyes, and tan skin, a scrawny latino boy with curly black hair and brown eyes, and a girl with grey eyes and blonde hair. Actually, the girl resembled a female version of Draco Malfoy.

"Oh, um, mind if we sit here?" The girl asked politely. Harry nodded, allowing them to sit down, but there was only room for two of them. The girl sat down with the boy that had sea green eyes, before they realised the problem. The boy with the sea green eyes opened his mouth to say something, but the other boy started talking before the one with sea green eyes could.

"Don't worry about it guys, I'll find somewhere else." He smiled, leaving the compartment before either of the other two could argue.


Draco had somehow managed to find an empty compartment. He had been settled in for just over five minutes when he heard the door open. Looking up to see who it was, he nearly did a double take. The person standing at the door looked exactly like Sammy, one of his friends from the army. Who is this!? He screamed in his head. He realised he was acting suspicious, so he out on his poker face.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" The stranger asked. He even sounded like Sammy!

"Yeah, sure." Draco said, sounding as normal as he could manage. The Sammy-look-alike smiled, sliding the compartment door closed behind him before he took a seat opposite from Draco.

"I'm Leo Valdez." The boy introduced himself. Realization overtook Draco as he remembered a story Sammy had told him. This boy, Leo, was Sammy's grandson.

"Draco Malfoy." Draco smiled, ignoring how wrong it sounded to hear 'Malfoy' after his first name and not 'Ohonson'. Throughout the train ride, the two boys talked and joked, both of them growing close to each other.

Leo really was like Sammy, Draco was sure of it. As a result, Leo made Draco think about the army. But for some reason, this didn't make him sad. If anything it made him happy to be in Leo's company. All to soon, the train came to a stop, and the boys had to get off. Leo had told Draco about him being one of the transfer students. He'd also mentioned how he'd come with two other people - Percy and Annabeth.

"So, are you gonna look for these friends of yours now?" Draco asked as they stepped off the train, not really wanting Leo to leave. Leo just shrugged.

"Nah, I'll find them at the school." The two boys walked over to the carriages. Leo freaked out when he saw the theastrals.

"What are those things!?" He cried out, earning a few weird looks. Draco simply laughed, and explained to him what a theastral was. Leo looked slightly embarrassed afterwards. The two boys then climbed into the carriage. The ride was silent, for the most part, and it wasn't long before they were entering the great hall. Leo stayed by the doors with the first years while Draco walked over to the Slytherin table. The other two older people who stood with the first years walked over to Leo, and Draco knew that they were the other two transfers - Percy and Annabeth. Draco didn't pay much attention to the sorting, but when only Percy, Annabeth, and Leo remained, he looked up to see where they all went.

"Valdez, Leo!" The latino boy looked up and realized it was his turn. He walked up to the front and sat on the stool. The hat was then placed on his head. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then the hat finally screamed, "SLYTHERIN!"

Draco blinked. His table erupted into cheers and Leo, noticing Draco, walked over and sat beside him. Draco couldn't help but grin.

"Chase, Annabeth!" The grey-eyed girl walked up to the front and sat on the stool. McGonagall placed the hat on her head, and it wasn't long before it called out, "SLYTHERIN!" Annabeth walked over to where the two boys were and sat on Leo's right. Draco was sitting to Leo's left.

"Jackson, Perseus!" For some reason, Percy cringed slightly at his name, before going to the front and sitting on the stool.

After a few seconds the hat cried, "GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor cheered as Percy walked over to them. Draco thought that Percy seemed slightly unhappy with the hat's decision for some reason.

"I'm sorry Annabeth." Leo said next to him. Draco turned to see Annabeth scowling at her hands.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Annabeth looked up at him.

"Oh, um... nothing really. It's just that Percy's my boyfriend and I won't get to see him as often now." Annabeth's tone sounded wistful, as though she was wished Percy was with her right now. She probably did.

"Don't worry, Gryffindor's and Slytherin's usually have most of their classes together, so you'll actually see him quite a lot." Draco promised her. She looked him in the eye.

"What's your name?" She asked. Draco smiled.

"I'm Draco."


The next day, Draco showed Leo and Annabeth how to get to Transfiguration, a class they would be having with the Griffindors. Upon arrival, they found that the classroom had few people in it,as it was early. Much to their surprise, Percy was there.

"Percy? How did you get here? Who showed you the way?" Annabeth asked him.

"George showed me the way." He glanced over to the other side of the room where George Weasley stood. "Who's this?" He looked at Draco, his tone edged with slight suspicion.

"This is Draco. He's the guy I sat with on the train." Leo answered before Draco could.

"Oh. Well, hi, it's nice to meet you." Draco simply nodded to Percy in reply. Students began to pour into the classroom, and a few people noticed the three Slytherins talking to a Gryffindor.

"Why are people staring?" Leo looked at Draco for an answer, as he'd been at this school the longest.

"Slytherins and Gryffindors don't usually talk to each other. There's a feud between the houses.

"Really? Well that's stupid." Percy didn't see why a stupid feud would keep people from interacting with each other.

"Yeah well... some people don't agree." As sad as it was, Draco knew that this was the truth.

"Alright everyone! Take your seats and get out your books." Professor McGonagall walked into to her class and spoke in her usual no-nonsense tone.

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