18. The Mysterious Figure

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Third Person POV

Annabeth sat in class, bored out of her mind, when a scream was heard. All heads turned to the door. Then a high-pitched alarm-like sound was heard, and at this point, everyone went to find its source.

Soon, the entire school was in the courtyard, staring down a horrifying sight.

William Wallowa, a first year muggleborn from Ravenclaw, lay dead at the feet of the infamous Death Eater, Dolohov, who stood in front of a tiny army of a hundred or so Death Eaters.

Everyone knew the Death Eaters were ruthless, but the fact that they had just murdered an eleven year old in cold blood still mortified them.

"Why?" McGonagall whispered. "Why!?" She repeated, in a shout this time. Dolohov grinned menacingly.

"Because we hate muggleborns, no matter their shape or size. Because we must be taken seriously. Because this is war." His voice had no hint of remorse.

And that was the worst part.

A child had died - at his hand! - and he couldn't care less. Because this was all just another day at the office for him. Because it didn't matter to him.

Because he was him.




And after this murder, all he did was grin. "See you on the battlefield." He said, and he and all the other Death Eaters disappeared in clouds of black smoke. McGonagall couldn't prevent her grief-stricken face from showing.

"His parents..." She kept muttering. "I'll have to tell his parents..."

The younger students cried, some of the older ones just stared into space, deep in thought about the battles to come, and all the rest screamed in protest at having to stay at Hogwarts.

Then, among the chaos, a sound was heard...

Flap, flap, flap...

Neville Longbottom heard this mysterious noise, and looked up. He couldn't help it. He gasped. "LOOK!" He screamed. One by one, everyone started looking up, until the whole of Hogwarts saw it. A strange figure, cloaked in black, flying above them. He (or at least, they assumed it was a he) was circling the scene, as if he was waiting for something. His hood was down, revealing his pitch black hair, but  his identity was concealed by a mask he wore that covered everything but his mouth, and his eyes, the color of which they couldn't see from this distance.

He then extended his whole arm, and pointed at Williams dead body. Suddenly, a bean shot down from his finger and hit William. He retracted his arm. A portal appeared above him, and he flew straight up into it, disappearing,presumably forever.

Everyone gasped as William started to glow yellow. The glow got brighter and brighter, until it disappeared, suddenly and without warning. William gasped, very much alive the color in his face returned.

Most people fainted. Others just covered their mouths with both their hands and stood there, completely gobsmacked.

All wondered the same thing.

How had the figure done this?

Okay, I know this is really short, I just didn't know how to continue this chapter.

I'm sorry these chapters have been so slow, I've just had a very eventful summer. I should be getting back on track soon though ☺.

And your loyalty to this story makes me so happy, and I love you all for it so much. Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed it ☺.

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