17. The Free Period

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Sammy's POV

"OK, so... why are we pranking Annabeth?" I asked George. He rolled his eyes. "Isn't it obvious!?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Not really, no. I mean, I'm not asking for the hell of it." I say. He sighs.

"To cheer her up! She's been way too depressed ever since-" He stopped himself. Sammy knew what he had been about to say, and it took him a moment to realise why. He knew that Draco wasn't actually dead, but to everyone else at Hogwarts, his death had been real.

"Alright, I get it." I said, pretending for George's sake as if the subject of Draco hadn't come up. He sent me a great full look, but I pretended not to notice. "But if we prank her, she'll just be embarrassed, so we should just prank some random person and make sure she's there to see it. Or we could just set up something to annoy the teachers." I suggested. George thought about this. Then suddenly, it was like a light bulb went off in his head. He looked me in the eye and snapped his fingers.

"I have an idea!"


Third Person POV

Today the 7th year Griffindors and Slytherins had double A History of Magic with Professor Binns together.

Now, everyone knew Professor Binns was a ghost, but looking at his classroom, you would never have guessed. It just looked like a normal classroom.

Or rather... it used too.

Annabeth, among Binns' other students, entered the classroom and immediately froze. Someone had redecorated. And it was almost certain they had done so without Binns' consent.

The walls were painted black with a few splatters of red here and there, obviously supposed to look like blood. The frame around the black board was now made of plastic bones, and on hanging from the ceiling from a rope going around their necks were 4 skeletons, one in every corner of the room. On the blackboard itself were the words Thank You for Attending This Funeral in bubble letters, and then there were a few detailed drawings, a zombie, a casket, and right in the center above the words was a sheet ghost.

"What's with the hold up!?" All the students who were frozen by the doorway of the classroom jumped at the sudden voice, and then Professor Binns himself floated into the classroom, going straight through the students in the doorway. As soon as he saw his classroom he froze. Deadly silent (no pun intended) he slowly turned around. His fists were clenched, and his expression was one of pure rage.

"BYYYYAAAAAARRRRRRR!" He screamed, charging out of the classroom. For a moment, the students were silent. Then someone shouted, "FREE PERIOD!" And the students cheered, running out of the classroom. Except for a few. Annabeth looked at Leo and George with her eyes narrowed.

"This was you two, wasn't it?" She asked. They plastered innocent looks on their faces and looked at her with fake smiled.

"Why Annabeth, why on earth would you think that?" George said in a fake posh accent. Annabeth smiled at them, with a look that said, guys, c'mon.

George and Leo burst out laughing, and Annabeth soon joined them.

"Well!" Leo clapped his hands together and rubbed them against each other. "We've got a free period. What d'ya say we have some fun?" He asked, flashing his signature trouble maker smile. Annabeth and George grinned.

"Well," George said," I know I'm down for it. What about you, Annie?" He asked. Leo and George looked at her expectantly. Her grin widened. "I'm in."


Annabeth sat with Leo in the great hall at dinner, when McGonagall stood up.

"Attention!" She called out, and all talking seized in the great hall. "By now, I'm sure all of you have heard about the incident that took place in Binns classroom earlier today. And I would like to make it clear that if such an incident takes place again, then the people held responsible will be banned from the weekend trips to Hogsmead for the next month and a half." Immediately, whispers spread throughout the hall, and McGonagall sat down.

Annabeth sent Leo a knowing look.

"What!? Oh, don't look so cocky, it's not like I'll get caught!"


"Hey Draco?" James Potter asked. Draco knew what information he wanted. The information he always wanted.

"Last I saw, Harry was fine." Draco said. James smiled gratefully. For all his flaws, he truly did care about his son.

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