4. Jealousy

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And we're back to third person... but just for now.

Third Person POV

That night, Draco was restless. It was rather strange though, the refusal to sleep his body had accustomed to was not caused by fear of these people who were apparently coming for him, but came from exitment. Even if it was only to warn him, she had talked to him. Draco couldn't stop thinking of her voice in his head. He missed her so much... her smile, her laugh... if only he could just see her...

I will see her. As soon as this year is over, I will see her.


"That class SUCKS!" The words left Leo's mouth almost the exact second they stepped out of Divination.

"Always has, and probably always will." Was Draco's reply.

"And what's the point of it anyway? Everyone always says it's bad to mess with time, but then they teach us how to tell the future. I mean, it doesn't take a genius to figure out hat if people know he future, they'll probably try to change it, messing with time in he process, therefore, this class should not exist!" Apperently, when Leo dislikes something, he'll do a hate-rant on why it should not exist.

"What am I supposed to do about it!? If you want to take it up with the ministry, be my guest." Draco said. Leo opened his mouth to say something when hey heard a shout behind them.

"HEY!" The two boys stopped waking and turned to look behind them and saw a certin grey-eyed blondie running towards them. Once Annabeth had caught up the three of them continued to walk to the great hall for lunch.

"You two took off without me!" Annabeth complained. The two boys glanced at each other for a moment before looking forward at where they where walking again.

"Sorry, we assumed you'd wanna hang out with Percy and the other Gryffindors, and quite frankly, they don't like me, and Leo didn't want me to be alone." Draco gave her an apologetic look as he explained.

"I though you sorted things out with them." Slight confusion laced Annabeth's words, she hated not knowing things.

"With Potter. I didn't even talk to Granger and Weasley, and even if I had, all I did was say I wouldn't be a bully this year. That doesn't erase everything I've done to them, doesn't make them like me, it certainly doesn't make them trust me, and it doesn't make us friends. They still don't like me, and have every right not to. I was a complete and utter jerk to them since day one." While Draco knew Annabeth understood, he could see that she still wasn't happy.

"But-but you're different now!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. Leo finally decided to drop in on the conversation.

"Sure, we know that, but they don't." Leo's words only made Annabeth sigh.

"I know, it's just... I don't like that for the rest of this year I'll have to spend time with my friends and my boyfriend separately, and not together." She looked at the ground. Draco smiled at her sympathetically.

"At least the food'll be great." Leo interjected, causing laughs to come out of his two friends.

The trio arrived at the great hall a bit late, so people were already eating. They walked over to the Slytherin table and dug into their food.

"What class do we have next?" Leo asked after they had almost finished eating.

"Uh... Potions, I believe." Draco pulled out his timetable from his pocket he had in his robes. "Yeah, we have Potions next." He repeated his previous statement after double checking.

"I hear the professor for that class is a bit weird." Annabeth said thoughtfully.

"Professor Slughorn?" Draco thought about the last time Slughorn had taught potions. "A bit weird, yeah."

The food disappeared and Draco, Annabeth, and Leo walked down to the dungeons.

They were a few minutes early when they entered to classroom, so they each got a potions book from the cupboard, and sat down at a table together. They watched and waited and talked while students slowly flooded into the classroom.

"So... you and George must be getting along well..." Draco couldn't really think of anything to talk about.

"Well uh... yeah, I guess he's OK. Why?" What did Draco mean?

"I just guess... well, you like to joke around and he likes to play pranks... I just thought it was a good match is all. For friends, I mean." Acer Draco explained, Leo nodded. Though something bothered him about George.

"So what's that guys story? Something about him just seems... off. He's got his far away look in his eyes, and whenever I crack a joke, he gives me his face like he I remind him of someone. To be honest it kind of creeps me out." At some point while Leo was talking Draco had looked down.

At the beginning of each year, Draco would visit Planet Chaos to find out what abilities he would need to protect Harry that year. Chaos would also tell him about a few things that would happen that year, and what he round need to do even those things happened. During these meetings, which were called briefings, he would visit with everyone in the army whenever he could. This year, he had seen Fred Weasley along with the other wizard's who died last year (while, the good ones, anyway). Draco had expected him to be angry, but he wasn't. Fred had only been worried about George, and with good reason. Draco coukd see pain hidden in George's eyes. A pain he kept hidden from people. It wasn't right.

"George... he has a twin, Fred. Fred died last year in the war. George took it really hard. I guess you remind him of Fred." Draco tried to see what Leo was thinking. He just looked shocked.

"Oh... I-uh... I didn't know." Leo stumbled over his words. Draco nodded.

"Yeah, well, it's not your fault." By this point everyone was in class, and Slughorn entered the room.

"Open your books to page 394." He said. Draco turned to the page, along with Leo.

"You will be put into pairs. Leo Valdez and George Weasley, Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Draco Malfoy,-" Draco cringed. Even after eight years, he hated the name 'Malfoy'. "-Ronold Weasley and Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom-" Draco tuned the rest out, as it didn't affect him.

Eventually, Draco saw people standing up, and realized they were going to their partners. He walked over to Annabeth.

"Hey Annie." He said in an annoying high-school girl voice. (Not saying all high-school girls sound annoying, just the ones whose voices sound like nails on a chalkboard.) Annabeth badly tried to hide a giggle.

"Don't call me 'Annie'." She said, trying (and failing) to sound angry. Draco just grinned at her.

"You clearly found it funny, but alright, I won't." She chuckled.

They were just being friendly, but it still made a certain someone uncomfortable seeing them so relaxed about each other. It didn't help that this continued the entire class.

Yet by the time potions was over, the two had both failed to notice Percy Jackson glaring at Draco.

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