3. Someone's Coming

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We're finally going into first person point of view. Yay!

Draco's POV

"Okay, this year I'm going to assign a seating plan, and every table will have one Gryffindor, and one Slytherin. The feud between houses has gone on far to long, and the war last year has caused me and the other teachers to come to the agreement that it must stop." I groaned inwardly at McGonagall's words. All the Gryffindors hate me!

"These are the people who will be sitting together. George Weasley and Leo Valdez, Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase, Ronald Weasley and Pansy Parkinson, Hermione Granger and Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy..." I stopped listening as soon as I heard my name. Harry? Really? Sighing, I reluctantly walked over to the table Harry was sitting at. He looked slightly annoyed. He seemed to be tensing up, as if waiting for something to happen. After McGonagall had given us our assignment (turning our hair purple, though why we would ever need that in life is beyond me) she said she wanted to see active and friendly conversation between the pairs she had assigned. Once I had turned my hair purple then back to it's usual platinum blond, I decided to find out why Harry was so tense.

"What's up with you Potter? You look like your waiting for the school to go up in flames." He seemed extremely surprised by the lack of venom on my voice. There wasn't any.

"What do you mean? I'm waiting for you to come up with some snide comment or point out something I'm doing wrong even though I'm doing it right!" Okay, that was probably fair. I never cared about status, but I had apparently been an excellent actor.

"Believe it or not Potter, that war was a wake up call to me too." Liar, liar, liar!

"What's that supposed to mean!?"

"It means, Potter, that I'm done mocking people because of house or blood. All those stupid prejudices lead to was death, war, and destruction. Never once have they ever done anyone any good." Okay, true, but not the reason I don't care about blood titles anymore. I don't not care anymore though. That would imply that I cared in the first place.

"Something else!" McGonagall said. "People who live in peace do not use last names."

Harry seemed to shocked to react at first, however he soon regained his composure. Well this is going to take some getting used to... Yes, I never hated the Gryffindors, but for he sake of pretends I had called them by their last names and nicknames every time I talked for the last eight years, and it had become a but of a habit.

"Wait Mal-...." he caught himself. "Draco, your saying that all the mocking, tormenting, judging, all of it, it's... your done with it?" Harry looked like he had counted something ten times over, only to find that he had been wrong every time he'd counted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, that's precisely what I'm saying, Harry." At first, Harry just stared at me in shock. He was brought back to reality, however, when I spoke again.

"Tell you what, lets make a deal," as my words brought Harry confusion, which then began to seep into mind, it spread to his expression, causing him to purse his lips slightly and furrow his brows. I'll admit, it was slightly amusing. Harry Potter, The-Boy-Who-Lived, completely gobsmacked just by the simple idea of his school bully deciding to stop being mean to him.

"Let's start over, you and me. You heard McGonagall, this silly little feud has gone on long enough. How about it?" Still surprised, Harry looked suspiciously over my face for a second, silently scanning my face, my expression, for anything, for any little detail that might hint at any sort of lie.

When he found none, it obviously surprised him a little, before he seemingly decided to trust that I truly wanted to change. If he only knew the truth. If only he knew that I couldn't change and become a good person, because I already was one. People just wouldn't know that though, because I've been forced to live a lie for years. Well you know what? I'm done being snide and prideful and cruel and cowardly. I'm done.

"Okay then. Truce?" He asked me.

"Truce." For what might have been the first time in eight years, I smiled genuinely. I don't remember actually properly smiling since the last time I saw her. Honestly, I missed her. I missed the army. I missed everything from my old life. If I had to choose what I missed the most, aside from her, of course, I think I'd have to say I miss the rush of adrenaline that came with battle. Although it might be a good thing that I had been cut off from that. Love of the battle could get you killed. Still, it wasn't just the battle that made me feel that rush, it was more who I was in battle with. Fighting arm in arm with Sammy and Luke and her... I suppose, though, that I might as well let myself be happy until I get back to the army, and to her.

Bringing myself back to reality, I realised I had only been lost in my own thoughts for seconds, but as always when I thought of my past, it seemed like forever.

"So I know we aren't friends, we've been at each others throats for to long to just suddenly be friends. But if we're not enemies anymore, what are we?" Due to his words, my attention was brought back to Harry-Freaking-Potter. I pondered the question for a moment.

"Well... to each other I suppose we're just people who know each other from school. But if you're looking for an actual boring and simple title for it, I'd just go with acquaintances." Harry seemed slightly amused at my reply.

"Well then, to acquaintances?" Harry asked, putting out his hand for me to shake. My smile widened slightly.

"To acquaintances." I gripped his hand with mine and shook it.


Had someone told me that later that day, Percy, and Annabeth (who the Army had actually told me stories about) would be dragging Leo and I to sit with the Gryffindor table with George and Ginny and the golden trio, I might have believed you. Had someone told me earlier that day that, as a result of meeting Leo, planning pranks with him, and annoying Professor McGonagall in Transfiguration, George Weasley would look so happy you might have thought Fred was still here, I might have believed you. Had someone told me that as a result of Leo becoming friends with George, he and I would have got to talking and become... not even friends necessarily, but good acquaintances, I don't think I'd have believed you.

Had you added that while the Gryffindors tolerated my presence, but still didn't appreciated it, I might have believed.

And had someone told me all that, they would have been correct, because here I was, sitting at the Gryffindor table because of Leo and Annabeth, and having dirty looks shot my way.

I was very busy ignoring the dirty looks when suddenly-

'Draco...' A voice speaks in my head. I allow myself to be dropped out of the conversation and put my hand on my wand. 'Draco...' I feel my heartbeat increase slightly, and I tense up. 'It's me, Draco. I need to warn you, Draco...' Realization dawns on me. I finally realize who it is. 'What is it?' I think back. 'Draco... there's someone coming for you... many someones, all of which seek to harm people you know...' Her words sink into me. 'They'll find you... and they will try to bring your friends pain...'

Have these chapters been too short? I don't know if I should start making them longer or not. Seriously, this isn't a rhetorical question, I genuinely want to know if you want these chapters to be longer.

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