My Fears

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I tap my foot anxiously on the cold tile. I took a deep breath to calm down. Looking around the old police station I tried to find a reason to keep going through with this plan.

Going over a mental list I could only find one reason to keep going through with it. That reason being Theo.

The rational part of my brain was telling me to get up and go back to the apartment and forget about Theo but there was a problem. I wasn't thinking with the rational part of my brain. I was thinking with the part that said listen to my heart and my heart was telling me to wait for the police officer to get back to me and take my statement.

While going over the mental list of pros and cons I also went through what I was going to tell the police.

I was going to tell them that I wasn't in a safe environment at home. I was neglected and sometimes abused. I've been threatened and I didn't want to feel uncomfortable in my own home.

That was exactly what I was going to tell them.

"Miss Taylor?" The police officer called from the doorway of his office.

I stood and walked over to him slowly. This was it. Hopefully.

I sat in an uncomfortable leather chair. He stood in front of his desk with a pad of paper and a pen in hand. I noticed another officer in the room too. She smiled at me warmly.

"You said you have a statement to make" He said and uncapped the pen.

"Um, yes" I breathed out a shaky breath.

"Okay. What is the statement?"

How was I supposed to start this off? I guess just get right to the point.

"I don't feel safe at home."

"What do you mean? What's wrong at home?"

I get ready to go over what I planned in my head.

"I'm neglected at home. Sometimes abused. They've threatened me before and I don't feel that I'm safe there anymore."

"How have they threatened you?" He asked writing something down in his notebook.

When I don't answer he looks up. "Miss Taylor, if you want us to do something you have to tell us everything."

Tears clouded my vision and I cracked. I told them everything. Everything from the abuse to the murder of my parents. I told them I lived with Theo for a few months and even showed them some scars.

When I finished my statement they sat back in their seats to digest the information. "That's quite a bit, Paige."

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and nodded. "But you can do something, right?" I croaked.

They looked at each other sadly. "I'm sorry but we don't have evidence to prove that your aunt- err, mother is a murderer or a rehab patient. It should have come up in the system when she took over to be your guardian. We can look into it but the house fire has been a closed case for years, miss. I'm sorry."

"But you'll look, right?"

"We can look but we aren't promising anything." The woman said.

I stood and nodded. "Anything helps. Just please do something." I walked out of the police station and winced when the sun burned my eyes.

I walked back to the apartment. I've done all I can for now.

Opening the door to the apartment I saw that the room hasn't been cleaned since I arrived back there. Roe was asleep on the couch. Good. I was praying she wouldn't wake up while I was gone.

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