Egg Balloons

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When Theo and I stepped off the elevator on my floor, Rick was standing at my door. I looked up to see that Theo was equally confused too. "Rick?" I called out. He turned to look at me. His eyes traveled up to see Theo and he frowned.

"Hey, Paige. I was here to deliver a message." He smiled apologetically at me. I walked over and unlocked the door. Do you want to come in? I asked Rick while he nodded. I pushed the door open and we all walked in.

I took off my boots, jacket, and beanie by the door. Rick walked in and stood by the couch. I sat down and gestured to the other end of the couch for him. Rick just looked up at Theo and then back to me.

What is so important that Theo can't listen. I looked back at him. "Can you just go wait in my room?" He rolled his eyes and left back to my room. I looked back at Rick.

"Paige, I'm sorry but Roe has been in a car accident. She's in a hospital in Seattle and she's stable. She said she wont be back for awhile." I put a frown on my face but inside I was jumping with joy.

I know it's wrong, but at least she's stable. They will take care of her and I get to stay here without that evil woman. This is going to be great. I get to be free for a little while longer.

"Paige are you okay?" He asked looking at me intently. I nodded and looked at the ground. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for telling me, but it's late and I have school tomorrow so good night." I smiled at him. He didn't look so sure but he got up and walked out the door.

I smiled and went back to my room. Theo was lying on my bed looking up at the ceiling. He looked up and saw my smile on my lips. He cocked an eyebrow at me. "She's going to be gone for a while." I said quietly, it was almost a whisper.

"Who?" Theo questioned. I sat beside him, the grin never leaving my face. "Roe, she's got into an accident but she's fine. She will be in Seattle for awhile." I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Who is Roe?" He asked, eyes widening. I realized I haven't told him all this stuff. I shook my head and wiped the smile from my lips. I got up and looked out my small window in my room.

"Paige, please. Is she the one who hits you?" He stood a few feet from behind me. I feel like I needed to tell him. I don't want to, but I think he needs to know. I sighed and let another tear roll down my cheeks.

I thought about how she's treated me. She was supposed to be kind of a replacement for my parents when they died. She was supposed to take over the parenting role, but instead she treated me like crap.

I wish my parents were still here with me. But hopefully there are in a much better place than this. More tears escaped my eyes. I wiped them away and turned to Theo.

"Yeah. She is. Theo, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. Not even Cole and Dallas. I don't want them to know what I'm going to tell you. Promise me, please." More tears flowed down my cold cheeks.

He shook his head no. "Please, Theo. I can handle this when she comes back. I need to tell you this but I cant if you don't promise to not tell anybody." I whimpered and wiped my cheeks. He thought for a minute before answering.

"Fine, I won't intervene unless she hits you again. You said you can handle it then handle it. But if and when I find out that that bitch is hurting you again, I will help you." I huffed and looked away from him.

"Okay." I croaked. I laid down on the side of the bed. I felt Theo sit down next to me but he didn't lay down with me. I took a deep breath and began.

"My house caught on fire when I was in fifth grade. I was just walking home and I saw fire trucks surrounding my house. I ran over crying trying to get to my house but a police officer stopped me. He took me to the police station and tried to calm me down.

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