Getting in Touch

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We leave for Bora Bora tonight. We will almost be there this time tomorrow. I can't explain how excited I am. I already have all of my clothes pack for the trip.

At the moment I am sitting in my Chemistry class beside Hailey, who is green with envy.  I don't blame her. If she got to go to an amazing island I would be jealous too. I know she is happy for me though.

"You see class, when you mix..," I block out the teacher as she rambles on about the lab project. I look up at the clock and see that only twenty minutes have passed. Why is this going on agonizingly slow.

I rest my head on my palm and look out the window. I look at all the trees with the birds flitting around above them. The clouds are heavy today so it's a dreary day. My spirits are lifted when I think about my trip.

Soon I'll be on white sandy beaches with clear blue waters. The sun will be shining down on my skin as I lay on the sand.

I'm soon brought out of my day dream when I hear a clap of thunder followed by a strike of lightning. Soon the rain is hitting the window hard.

The teacher doesn't stop class to acknowledge the storm outside. I check the clock and see only ten minutes have passed. Ugh, can it go any slower?

After three more torturous hours, the final bell rings and I can leave this place. As I walk out the door of the school I am pelted with droplets of rain. It's quite refreshing. I make my way over to Theo's car to wait for him. Thank goodness he brought the car today instead of the motorcycle.

I see Theo walking and talking with Cole about something as they make their way over to the car. They both don't seem to be affected by the rain as they walk slowly to the car.

Finally they make it over. "Hello, boys. Please continue to talk out here in the rain while I get completely soaked." I say sarcastically.

Theo rolls his eyes and fishes his keys out of his pocket and unlocks the car. I open the door on the passenger side and slide in. Soon after, Theo gets in too.

He fires up the car and turns the heater on full blast. I fix the vents to where they point to my clothes, maybe dry them a bit before we get to his house.

I close my eyes and lay my head back on the seat. "Theo, I don't think I've ever been this excited, ever." I state. He mumbles something incoherent under his breath. Okay, something is up with him.

I sit up and open my eyes. I turn in my seat and face him. "What's wrong?" I ask wearily.

Theo shakes his head. "Nothing." He looks so lost in thought. I don't push him to tell me anything more right now but he will tell me eventually.

I close my eyes and listen to the music on the radio. I think of beaches and a clear sky. Oh it will be pure bliss.

Theo pulls into the garage and shuts off the engine. He shuts the door and walks into the house. I stay rooted in the car. Something is really eating at him. I must know. Call it curiosity or call it being nosy. I don't care, I still need to know.

I get out of the car and make my way into the house. I look around in the house and he isn't down stairs. He must be up in his room. I quickly walk up the stairs and into my room. I change my clothes into dry ones and go over to Theo's room. I open the door and walk in.

He's looking out his window. I soon realize that he doesn't have a shirt on. I try to dismiss the thought. I walk in and shut his door.

"Theo, I start. What's wrong?" I say softly. I just want to make the problem better. I want happy Theo back.

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