Cuddle Cam([Furry]Spring Bonnie)

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[Furry]Spring Bonnie x [Shy][Teen][Male]Reader
A.N: I say  "Spring Bonnie", not "SpringTRAP". Also, I'm making him male, just so  you know. He can go either way, I honestly don't care which one he is.  Same for Mangle.

    You're a shy guy, no doubt about it.  You were in high school and barely anyone knows your name. It wasn't  that you didn't want to talk to anybody, but you feared causing trouble.  You only ever talked if you were spoken to or if you needed help with  something. Your school had quite the rep for having multiple fights  happen over trivial things, so you were one of the few students that  shied away from that crowd.

    It started when you were young.  You made a small deep-up that got you into heaps of humiliation and  misery. As time went on, you shut yourself out, cascading your emotions  from the rest of the world. Your parents tried to help you, but not even  they could break you out. Soon you grew secluded, only comfortable in  your room or places away from others. The only thing you were  comfortable talking to was a rabbit plush you got from a pawn shop.

     It was actually rather cute, being made by a popular toy company. It  made you question why someone would pawn such an item off instead of  giving it to a small child. It was bright yellow with green eyes, a  purple bow tie around its neck with two black buttons underneath. Again,  it seemed to be of very high quality, which seemed rather rare for pawn  shops. When you asked the owner about it, she said the guy who sold it  claimed it to be haunted. It scared you a little, but something made you  want to take it.

    Naturally, as with most secluded  individuals that get inanimate objects, you grew attached to it. You  never took it to school, though, lest you face never-ending ridicule for  having a childhood toy. You knew some older people actually collected  plushies and the like, but apparently your generation was close-minded  and unloving. Unfortunate, yes, but that's the way it is.

     You've had it for a few weeks now, naming it "Bon" as a play on "bunny".  It was male, you could tell, but you never referred to it as such. You  only named it for convenience's sake. Still, you liked having Bon  around. It somehow made you ease up and feel happy. You even started  talking to him a little, which was fine as long as it didn't go too far.

Unbeknownst  to you, though, Bon was so much more than a simple plush, and he was  capable of things that you never thought possible.


"Finally.", you said with a sigh as you walked into your room, "Now I can see what happened last night."

     You gently set your backpack down next to your desk and pulled out a  small camera. For about a week now, you've been having strange dreams-  or nightmares. It was hard to tell, to be honest. They at least started  out bad, usually with you running through darkness with voices  whispering in your ear, but then it changes unexpectedly. Just when you  think you're going to wake up screaming, the environment morphed into a  field of yellow grass. It was shining with warmth and a voice whispering  calm things into your ear. The voice was unrecognizable, but you felt  comfort from it. It made you feel wanted, loved, and comforted until the  dream faded out.

    It at least seemed like a lucid dream- up  until you noticed a large indentation beside where you slept on your  bed. The first few times it was lighter, but then they started to go  deeper- as if someone slept there longer. When you finally had enough,  you set a plan into motion. You saved some money up to buy a small  camera, and hid it on the wall near your bed yesterday. You couldn't check the footage right away as you had school, so you made  it your top priority. The best part is you didn't have any homework,  plus it's a Friday.

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