Stay(Sequel to Curiosity)

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"Are you sure he'll like me?"

"Of course! I'll make sure he doesn't do anything."

     About six months have passed since you met Benny, and things seem better now. Sargent Carlson got the higher ups to let you live at the research facility thanks to you connecting to the rabbit. The research process went fast with you being able to interpret his expressions and movements. The strange thing is, he'd only respond when you're around to encourage him. It certainly says a lot about how much he trusts you. He still seems apprehensive around other humans, so you decided to try and change that. Walson was the one who led you to him, so you started with her. The two of you stood outside the doors to the enclosure, stopping  to plan things out.

"I know, it's just... I haven't seen much of him since you first talked to him. I was kind of scared to since he had a good reason for hating us."

You put a hand on her shoulder, "It's not your fault. You never knew until it was too late, and besides, he likes me now. Why can't he be the same to you?"

    She smiled at that, knowing you had a point. Benny only had a few bad experiences along with the humans who work here to go on, so he had a  pretty slim idea of how they are. When he first saw you, he could only assume you were with the bad ones. What changed that is how you acted towards him. Unlike others, you were gentle and patient with him. Carlson knew you were the right person to help with him because of how you act towards others and the good you do. Whether or not those videos helped awaken that talent, it's apparent that those skills are apart of  you, and they made you into who you are now.

    With that, you both ventured through the doors to find the rabbit. You got to visiting him almost every day to try and make progress with him, which in turn helped your friendship grow. You even got to explore around the enclosure a little, finding his favorite spots and such. You eventually made it to that same clearing, stopping and looking around a bit.

"He usually knows when I'm around.", you said, "He likes surprising me."

     As if those words were a signal, something dashed out the bushes and tackled you to the ground. It would've hurt, had it not been for a pair  of furred arms grasped your waist. You chuckled a little as a soft growl filled your ears and you felt a familiar pressure on top of your head. He really likes hugging you, your presence calming him significantly.

"I guess you found him, then.", Walson said with a small chuckle. The purring- if you could call it that, stopped abruptly and you were released. You got up and turned to see Benny looking in the scientist's  direction, his ears slanted back a little. He looked noticably cleaner, mainly because of your suggestion that he be bathed every now and then. You instantly got between them before things could escalate.

"Bud,", you started nervously, "This is Walson, she's an old friend of mine. I know you don't like other humans, but I thought maybe we could try and work on that a little."

    He didn't growl or scowl, which is good. He just continued staring at her with a perplexed look on his muzzle, ears flapping back up. It is a big step, sure, but it would help keep him stable around other humans. The least you could do was start out with ones you trusted yourself instead of just grabbing a random scientist and dragging them in with you. He crawled forward a little, nose twitching as he sniffed at Walson. She stood still, of course, not  wanting him to suddenly snap at her. He actually got close enough for her to touch him between his eyes, causing him to freeze.

"Uh... I think I broke him.", she whispered, her hand still on the rabbit.

"Just give him a second.", you said.

     Benny, meanwhile, was at a mental blank. He didn't intend to get within touching distance, just enough to try and get her scent. It was rather conflicting for him to give this female a chance, not at all because of gender. You were right to know that he didn't like humans, the reasons you learned when you first met. Though he was hesitant to give any other human a chance just because of one giving him kindness, he had to give you credit for doing this. If something similar were to happen before you came along, it would be very different. Sure, you vouched or her, but he had his opinions too- and you understood that. He snapped out of it to see her hand still on him. He snorted tiredly,  perhaps he was being a bit close minded. Good reasons aside, he already knew not all humans are mean- so why not give another one a shot?

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