Shattered Little Human([Furry] Bonnie)

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[Magical][Furry] Bonnie x [Depressed] [Male] Reader

The world was in a strange state at the moment, mostly due to the fact that furries exist. Some experiment that went wrong somehow created an entire island full of them! After that, a large amount of research was put into them, trying to see if there was a secret behind them. However, they didn't find much other than some of them having unnatural fur colorings and patterns. Some of them actually moved to different places around the world.

This happened a few years ago, and now it seemed to be nothing but dust. Furries seemed to have into society after a while. It was still quite fascinating to you, even being fresh out of college. It was like a kid's dream put into reality like markers to paper. It was at least the one thing that kept you going. You hoped that you could maybe meet one face-to-face, and even form a relationship.

It was nothing but a dream, however. Even though there were some in your city, it was ravaged with crime. It didn't help that you had trouble finding a job. You wanted to save enough to move out of your dreary apartment, but essentials came first on the list of priorities. This made your goal nothing but a star...miles away from you with little chance of making it. You didn't stop, though, out of fear that you'd disappear into dust.

Something that you noticed was that someone often stood on top of the building across from your own. You were able to see due to your space having a balcony, but you could only see his shadow. From what you could tell, he was tall- at least from a guess, and he seemed to have a fascination for the stars. He'd often reach a hand towards the sky, as if reaching out and hoping to grab one. The thing that set you off about him, however, was the long ears that protruded from his head. You knew he was a furry, but almost every time you looked to him, a nervousness took over.

You had no control over it, the feeling stirring around in you whenever you thought of him. The pure mysteriousness that surrounded him eluded you to no end! At one point, he actually seemed to look at you, red eyes shining at you from the darkness of his silhouette. It scared you, sure, but at the same time it made your heart skip a beat. Was this normal? Was it wrong of you to think of such a mysterious being in this way?


You heaved a sigh as you walked down the street from the diner. You worked the night shift a lot since you sometimes became a night owl. The pay was decent, but it did leave you worn out more often than not. Another thing was that it was dark out, which automatically raised some red flags.

The moon was shining as you walked down the sidewalk, your mind wandering. The air was chilled and left you shivering despite wearing a (f/c) jacket. You didn't mind it all that much, though. The cold was strangely comfortable for you, even if it made you shake from the temperature. You were so engrossed by this that you failed to notice the man following close behind, and the shadow above.

This unfortunately led to you being pushed into an alleyway and cornered by a man with a knife.

"Give me your money!", he yelled as he waved the blade around

"I-i don't have anything...", you were lying of course, but with good reason. Every bit of your pay went towards your needs- as well as a small amount to your savings. He got angry and shoved you against a dumpster, giving you a nice punch afterwards. You grit your teeth in agony. Of course it had to be couldn't have been someone with lots of money or even jewels.

"Just kill me already...", you muttered as you closed your eyes. You honestly meant that, as you just didn't have anything to live for. Your dream was nothing but a vision, you were poor as crap, and you couldn't even pay attention without getting mugged, apparently. You were completely resigned now, waiting for that burning pain to come before going icy and disappearing along with your mind.

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