Are You Real?([Furry] N. Fredbear)

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[furry] Nightmare Fredbear x [Insane?][Teen][Male] Reader

In our world, there are crimes with results that have people mixed.

   Some  may call it dumb luck, others call it a blessing. No matter what they  say, it's done and over. This is the case with (M/n), a teenage boy with  a rough past under him. His parents weren't exactly what you would call  "loving", quite the opposite actually.

   They treated him like  trash, making him do all the work around the house while they lazed and  relaxed. He got good grades, but they paid no mind to them. When his  birthday came around, they did nothing. There was only one thing the boy  found solace in, and that was the bear plush.

   It was a  darkish orange, parts of it a deeper shade. It had a light purple top  hat, and bow tie to boot. Its eyes were black with white pupils, giving  off the impression that it was watching, listening. It was called  Fredbear, why they named it that was a mystery. Luckily, his parents  never touched it, thinking it was haunted. (M/n) would carry it wherever  he went, sometimes hiding it to keep attention off. He kept himself  sane with the toy, as it always seemed to listen to embrace him whenever  he was distressed. However, all good things seldom last long.

    One day, he just...snapped. It was like something you'd see in a horror  film, most likely a cliché. An argument happened, things escalated, and  he killed them both. The strange thing was, he felt no remorse for it,  and he felt happy. With that, his took the insanity plea- or rather, his  lawyer did. He was too nervous to talk.

   The judge was  merciful for him, and sentenced him to an asylum until he was deemed  "fit for society". He accepted but asked for something to be done: he be  allowed to keep his Fredbear plush. Miraculously, they actually allowed  it, seeing as it was the only thing he ever found comfort in. That, and  it didn't seem to have any dangerous parts aside from the hat and tie-  which were superglued just in case. You can never be too careful, right?

    The asylum was bland to the boy, constant white and tasteless food.  There were other patients as well, but they weren't on the same level as  him. He kept himself in the shadows, with the plush of course. Nobody  paid him any mind, save for the occasional confrontation over trivial  things. Some of them ended in violence, which in turn led to solitary  confinement. Strangely, all of those that confronted him mysteriously  died in their sleep- no fatal injuries at all. It at least kept the  others away from (M/n), and he was happy with that.

However, the strangeness would only continue...until someone would finally intervene.


(M/n) POV

I really hated this place.

     It's been two months, maybe three. Time was strange in this hellhole,  what with the constant sterile white color and the terrible food. A  strange thing that happened within the first few weeks was that one day I  woke up with a bite mark on my neck. It didn't seem to be a scar, just  an imprint. No one bothered me, which I liked. Fredbear was the only one  who understood me, as he comforted me and always told me it would be  alright. I'd always hear him whispering, telling me he'd always be there  for me. I don't know why but I believed it. It was a strange attachment  I had to him ever since I got him from the store. Maybe it was because  of my parents, maybe I really am insane like they say.

    I  never liked this place. It's always so bland and lifeless- and that's  not even counting the pills! They make me feel dull, like everything was  gray and dark. Fredbear was my only comfort in the cell, which was  small and had a very uncomfortable bed. I sometimes wish he were real  and bigger. That way I could sleep more peacefully, snuggled against his  warm fur with his heartbeat keeping me calm. I know that sounds  strange, but when you're in my predicament you'd do the same.

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