Darkened Apprentice(Nightmare)

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Human [Demigod] Nightmare x [Magical] [Male] [Teen] Reader

Warning: This contains high amounts of fluff and highly suggestive themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

You were a strange kid, that much you could tell. When you were young, you had dreams about a temple and something about magic. You passed it off as just your child-like nature taking over. It wasn't until you turned ten that things got weird. One day while you were playing with some other kids at a playground, your hands started glowing and grass started floating around you. The other kids thought it was cool, but their parents thought otherwise. When you were taken to the hospital, you seemed perfectly fine! Even with a CAT scan, everything seemed normal.

Things didn't go so well after that. You didn't gain many friends due to these new abilities, as they grew more frequent. Your parents became increasingly worried for you, especially now that you're so close to being on your own. You didn't mind it that much, as it gave you time to yourself so you could explore these abilities without any unwanted attention. Unfortunately, this didn't give way to anything big.

The least you learned from your small test runs were that you could levitate objects and illuminate your body. For now that was as much as you could tell. You couldn't quite grasp control of it yet, but you could at least keep it from happening at random. It fascinated you, to be honest. You had something no other human had, and you were learning about it yourself! It did remind you of something, but it wasn't good.

Demigods...people said that you could be one, but your parents denied it. You learned that demigods were either humans born from deities or humans given special abilities through death. As far as you knew, you were neither, so you most likely not. There were actual instances of demigods revealing their existence, most of which being evil and taking over small towns. Somehow, this didn't effect the country much. The government tried to stop it, but proved to be useless due to what immense power these beings had. It terrified you, and it made you scared of what your abilities had to do with that.

Unbeknownst to you, there was someone who knew about your abilities, and he had a plan for them.


You were currently at a small Starbucks, having a little coffee with your laptop out. You ran a hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair as your eyes grazed through an article on demigods. It was very negative, but you couldn't help but read it. Even if they scared you, they were so fascinating to learn about! The particular article you were reading talked about the differing abilities between them. Apparently, some could control shadows and even control animals. You didn't see anything about your abilities, though.

You heard small whispers around the small table you sat at, but brushed it off. You took a sip of your coffee as your (e/c) eyes glanced outside, seeing rain sprinkling outside. You couldn't help but smile as you closed your eyes, listening to the sound of it tinkling against the glass window. You liked that sound, as it helped calm your nerves and relax. It made you enjoy the finer things in life, rather than focus on the strange occurrences that happen in the everyday-and the things that you grew accustomed to. As strange as it was, you were content with it, and it became nothing more than a routine.

Suddenly, the sprinkling rain stopped abruptly.

You frowned slightly, your eyes still closed. Rain doesn't just stop, it slows down and gradually gets quieter. You finally opened your eyes and they widened at what you saw. The rain didn't stop, but it froze. It wasn't just the rain, as when you looked around the small shop you saw people staying still-almost like mannequins! A worker was in the middle of handing a customer her drink, and her hand was frozen in the air. It was like walking through a block of ice in a heat suit.

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