Curiosity ([F][F] Springtrap x [P][M] Reader)

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[Feral] [Furry] Springtrap x [Psychologist] [Male] Reader

You can't say you aren't nervous for this endeavor.

You're a well-known psychologist, capable of emphasizing with almost anyone and having them open up with a little effort. You originally weren't much of a listener, but started to gain an interest after watching a youtuber who made segments that would take place in an office. The difference was that they were more pre-recorded and matched up with varying styles of artwork. It amazed you to see that someone could be so patient with others, especially those who weren't so keen in confiding in him. With time, however, he was able to prove himself capable of being a listening ear as well as a friend. You never got to meet him, but you still kept him in mind as your inspiration.

The road was tough, as well as long, but eventually you passed psychology and made a living from it. It was shocking to see that you were so good at this, but you simply believed it to be the youtuber's effect on you. It seemed his videos were able to give you an edge to unlock a hidden talent. You felt thankful for that, but you could never imagine it would bring you to this moment. Well, it was actually an old friend that got you into it, but still.

The gist of the situation is that a creature was captured out in Washington. Strangely, there have been a number of unknown occurrences going on around there, so a secret organization was put in charge of investigating them- known as the Paranormal Investigative Force. The creature was captured months ago, but recently a friend who's researching the creature wanted you to travel there and help in some way. It confused you, but that didn't stop your interest in the creature from taking over. Still, you were nervous about it. Why would they need you to help with this?

You've been thinking about this the whole time you were in the jeep escorting you to the facility. Part of you was excited, as this was something that would take place in Doctor Who- and it even has this to some extent! It's just so fascinating, but at the same time it scared you for obvious reasons. What is this creature like? Is it crazy? Can it speak english? Is it capable of coherent thought? All these questions ran through your head until you felt the truck stop. It seems you've finally reached it.

The room you were in was pretty much a giant garage, multiple cars and trucks complete with army equipment all around. Looking towards one of the doors, you could see two people standing near them. One was a woman in a lab coat, a blonde ponytail with a few curls and glasses covering her magenta eyes- though they didn't have lenses. The other was a rather strong looking fellow who had a full uniform on, even a hat. His posture was as firm as his eyes as you locked onto them. It made you clutch the satchel you had to your side, fear crawling up your neck like ants.

"Mr.(L/n), I presume?", the man asked to which you nodded.

"Sargent Carlson, Head of Defense at P.I.F.", he said as you shook hands, "You already know Dr.Walson, who recommended you come here."

"Uh, yes. We have known each other for a while.", you said while glancing at the scientist, who seemed to smirk at you playfully. You've known each other from high school before separating to pursue your respective passions. You could tell she still had that quirkiness when you were young despite having such an occupation. If anything, she's the reason you're here right now, seeing as though she pressured you into coming. With that, you started the walk down the hallways and an elevator.

"She's told me a lot about your work.", the sargent said as you descended, "She seemed quite adamant on your experience."

"Well, I do have quite the reputation back home.", you mused before something crossed your mind, "However, I don't see why my specific skill set would be needed for this. Dr.Walson didn't give me many details over the phone."

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