Playful Tease(Foxy)

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    You shook nervously as you kept your ear to the door of the dark closet. A certain male with fearures was trying to find you. You had no idea why you got this job. Maybe it was the need for money or your curiosity. No matter what the reason, here you are, hiding in a broom closet from a slightly insane! Did I mention it was about 1 in the morning?

    You suddenly heard footsteps creaking down the hall, coming towards the door. You quickly sat back against the wall, pulling your black jacket over your (h/c) hair to try and blend in. You shut your eyes as the footsteps grew closer and closer until the door creaked open. All was silent for a few seconds before the door shut and the footsteps faded away in another direction. You cracked an eye open, seeing the darkness of the small space again.

    You cautiously looked out the door, seeing  nothing. Once you were sure it was safe, you tiptoed your way towards the rather stuffy office. Each footstep made you sweat even more as you got closer to the doorway. You quickly went in, closing the metal door behind you before sitting in your swivel chair and sighing, closing your eyes in  relief.

Unfortunately this relief didn't last long as two strong hands gripped your shoulders, causing you to yelp then freeze. Warm breath cascaded down your neck as an accented voice purred in your ear.

"Gotcha, lass~."

    You groaned and looked over your shoulder, seeing the male in all his glory. He was wearing regular dress boots with shaggy white pants and a  red vest covering a white undershirt. His golden eyes glinted with insanity as the fox ears upon his head twitched slightly. As much as you admired his form, it was still annoying that he got you.

"How'd you know I was here, Foxy?", you asked glaring daggers at the male, who smirked as he released you.

"It was easy.", he replied with a flick of his wrist, "I already knew you were in t' closet, so if you thought I didn't see you, you'd obviously go t' t' office!"

    You growled at his flawless logic. Foxy just smiled again, showing off his sharp canines and causing your cheeks to gain a light pink tint. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't stop admiring him! He always attempted to make a move with you, but you kept your distance and stood your ground. Over time, however, you seemed to be affected by his charm. When you snapped out of your thoughts you noticed two  things.

1.Your chair was turned around.
2. Foxy's face was inches away from yours, causing your blush to deepen.

    You stood silent with your (h/l) hair looking a bit frazzled for some reason. The male smirked again and leaned in even closer, booping your noses. You had no other choice but to stare into those golden eyes again. You slowly slinked your way out of the chair and back your way to the other door, only to have it slam down before you could cross the  threshold. Foxy placed his hands on either side of you and stood in your way, keeping you from escaping. He smirked wildly again as he leaned down to your ear.

"You know, lass.", he whispered, "Since I found you, I do believe I deserve some type o' reward."

"W-what reward?", you stuttered out, your nerves shattering and burning to ash.

"I have a few in mind~.", he nuzzled the crook of your neck, making you blush deeper. You were too nervous to do anything, plus a small part of you was enjoying this. Before anything else could happen, the lights went out and the doors went back up.

    You took this chance to sneak out into the hallway, but a hand grabbed you and pulled you against something warm with a gentle beating. Realization quickly made itself known as your blush took up your entire face. You could hear footsteps coming from the other door, but you were too focused on the heartbeat to register it.

"We'll continue another time...", Foxy whispered before releasing you and disappearing into the darkness. You stood frozen in place, not sure what  to do. One thing was for sure though:

Your face could not be anymore red.

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