I'll Protect Ye(N.Foxy)

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[Human] Nightmare Foxy x [Depressed] [Runaway] [Male] Reader

To say things were not good for you was a complete understatement. Your life was good to an extent, but it all went wrong when you started thinking less of yourself. It wasn't that bad, to be honest- you mostly deprecated yourself in some skills that you wanted to improve. In a way it gave you the determination to improve upon yourself and keep going. However, it got out of hand with certain people turning your self-criticism into blatant insults. It made you realize that you needed to find a new environment for yourself, so you took what you had and left.

Unfortunately, you were fresh out of community college, so you didn't have a car. You only had a backpack full of personal items and about $400 you took out of your savings account- it was sufficient enough. You could at least get a bus ride to a small coastal town you heard of. It seemed like the best place since not many people lived there- though it didn't have a college. You supposed you could settle for online work, as you could do it from almost anywhere.


It was pretty dark out by the time you got there. A few streetlamps lit up the sidewalk as you made your way to town. You didn't have a good signal for your phone, so you couldn't google the nearest hotel. With that in mind, you decided to just wing it and look around a bit. The town was...rustic, to be honest. You were near a dock with a few boats, so the buildings near it were not in the best shape. A strong salty scent permeated the area, the reasons were quite obvious.

You eventually made your way to what looked like the downtown area, mostly by the small amount of residents about and the bright lights. As you looked around, you still couldn't see a hotel. The place still looked pretty cool despite that, seeing so many new places to explore. You'd make sure to visit them when you get the chance, but for now you still had to find a place to stay.

Walking down a random street, you noticed the streetlights flickering a little the further you went. The moon shined high in the sky, giving some illumination. Suffice to say, you were lost with no way around. You saw that there seemed to be a forest at the end of the road, which probably meant nothing else was there other than a park or something. You were about to turn around when a light shined from behind you.

Confused, you looked to see a car in front of you, the headlights brightening your vision immensely. You covered your eyes a bit to see a few people step out of it. They didn't seem too happy to see you in their turf, as you could see small scowls and their attire just made them look intimidating. Not wanting to see what they wanted, you instantly bolted into the forest with footsteps following. As cowardly as it was, you really didn't want to face whoever came out of that car!

You still had no idea where you were going, but you could care less at the moment. The footsteps following you seemed to have faded, but you kept going just to be safe. Once you were sure you stopped to catch your breath and look around. It was dark, nothing but the moonlight giving you some kind of view. Nothing but trees everywhere, trees and grass with almost no path leading to town. You sighed and leaned against one of the tall columns.

Great job,(y/n)., you scolded yourself, You p-screech-ed out and now you're lost in a forest...

Of course, you just HAD to run blindly into a forest with absolutely no sense of direction whatsoever! Though, to your defense, the guys that came out of the car earlier didn't seem too friendly. In that moment, you only had two choices: p-screech out like a little b-screech or stay and most likely get pulverized. Looking back, the second option seemed more favorable, as you at least knew where you were and had a chance of survival. Now, however, you were about 99.99999999% boned. You froze when a hand grabbed your arm.

"Ye alright, lad?"

A bit confused by the accented voice, you looked over to see a pretty tall man. He had red hair that looked a bit shaggy, short enough to at least reach past his ears. He wore black dress shoes and matching pants, though they looked torn. He also wore a red pirate coat with a white undershirt. Both the shirt and the jacket seemed to be stained with something, but you couldn't tell because of the lack of light. His amber eyes penetrated the darkness like lanterns, shining through the darkness as if it were nothing. As much as this stranger scared you, he was pretty good-looking.

"Y-yeah...", you stuttered out with a small blush, "I just...ran away from some people and got lost..."

The man seemed to smirk slightly, showing off some very sharp teeth, "Aye, I saw ye runnin' earlier wit' them thugs followin'."

HE SAW ME!?, you thought as your body stiffened, Oh god, he must think I'm such a p-screech...wait, why am I so self-conscious of what he thinks? I just met him!

You were only brought out of your thoughts by the man pulling you closer to him, your noses almost touching. This only succeeded in making your blush darken and make you even more self-conscious. He chuckled deeply, the sound being rough and scratchy as if he were a glitching robot. You averted his gaze and tried focusing on the trees, wanting the blush to go away.

"It was pretty brave 'o ye to run away from them.", he said, making you glance at him before sighing lowly.

"I wouldn't call it brave...I'm pretty much a coward for running away. If I stayed, I would've at least knew where I was, but now I'm in wherever with my stuff and it all started because I wanted a new place to stay! God, I'm terrible..."

Your insulting thoughts started to take over. No matter where you went, they'd always be there to bring you down. If only you could move past it, but it was so hard to! Your thoughts were broken by a hand cupping your face and forcing you to look up at the man. His amber eyes glistened as they locked onto your (e/c) ones. You were trapped by them, locked away as your blush intensified even more.

"Don't say that, lad.", he said lovingly as he stroked the side of your face, "Besides, I think ye're pretty great."


"Aye. Not many people be off into th' forest often. They say terrible things happen here."

This made you slightly scared, as you were sometimes paranoid. Due to the darkness around you, you shook with fear- not to mention the man's disheveled appearance. Speaking of whom, he pulled you to him again, your head pressed against his chest as he held you there. Your face was practically on fire now, but part of you enjoyed it. He was really warm and the sound of his heartbeat was relaxing.

"Ye don't need to worry 'bout that.", he said as you felt his breath against your ear, "I'll protect ye."

You couldn't think of a response, not that you wanted to.... If anything, you could just die laid against him and be content with it. He just had a charm to him, whether it be his lantern eyes, rough voice, or the way he handled you. It just made you want to stay with him for as long as possible. You sighed and nuzzled him, growing drowsy. You could hear him chuckle as your mind slowly faded. He gently picked up your sleeping form, keeping your head against his chest as he walked deeper into the forest. He stroked your hair gently as you subconsciously cuddled close to him.

"Don't worry, lad. Ye're safe wit' me...nobody gunna hurt ye."


A.N: Yeah...I really didn't want this one to be too intimate. You can already guess why...

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