King's Orders(Freddy)

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Warning: This contains fluff beyond all measurable belief.If you are a fangirl,be advised that there is a high chance you will squee out and nosebleed everywhere.Viewer discretion is advised.

You were an average girl,with a somewhat average mind.Other than the occasional dirty thought leaking out here and there,you're perfectly normal.Although,you did work at a pizzeria where five children went missing long ago and people died in a very horrible and disgusting way-but you didn't count that one.After taking the night shift for summer job blah-blah,you met the animatronics.They actually seemed pretty friendly despite the fact that they were killers,plus they could turn human-sort of...

With the exception of Chica,they all had animal parts attached to their human bodies.It was pretty cool in your opinion,especially with the implications that sprung forth with that fact.Chica was optimistic most of the time and loved pizza,Bonnie was somewhat of a jokester and a wild card,Foxy was the tough guy,and Freddy was the prim-proper one.There was also Goldie,but he was hard to read.You couldn't help but feel attracted to the main bear,his smooth voice and personality in general made you want to melt into his arms.Of course you didn't tell him,the fear of rejection crawling at your feet.


It was about three till when you were walking through the doors to the pizzeria.You would've gotten there sooner if your car didn't screw you over when you tried turning it on-such is the life of a teenage girl.When you made it to the main area you were surprised to see Freddy,Bonnie,Foxy,and Goldie in their human forms waiting for you.Chica wasn't around and you heard noises coming from the kitchen,which could only mean one thing...

"Game night?",you asked boredly.

"Game night.",Bonnie confirmed monotonously.

You let out an annoyed groan,knowing what this meant.Every once in a while,Chica would pull all of you together to play a game.This would lead to crazy shenanigans which would either end in injury or extreme embarrassment.As cheerful as the girl was,she pretty much seemed like the killer version of you-kind and happy,but capable of much darker things,things that wouldn't be appropriate to describe vividly.On the upside,there were some moments that made you laugh,one of which being when Goldie and Bonnie were forced to kiss.That night was very much filled with laughs.Your thoughts were broken by Chica coming in,her arms behind her as she skipped into the room innocently.

"Good,you're here.",she said as she pulled up a chair and sat at one of the tables,calling the others over as well.

"So what are we playing now?",you asked with a small eye roll,knowing whatever the chicken girl picked,it would be juicy and dirty.

"We're playing The King's Game!",she said with a wide smile as she pointed a finger in the air.Your face flushed red as you knew what that meant.Of all the games,why that one?!The only reason you knew of that game was because of an anime-turned-video game,or the other way around.Knowing how the game went in said anime,it would only end in pure hell now.

"H-how do you know about that?",you shakily asked,trying to stop your face from burning.

"Ah,so you've heard of it,(l/n)-chan?",she asked with a devious smirk.

"Why are you already in otaku-mode...?"

She was about to reply when Freddy butted in,"Would you two explain what this "King's Game" is?"

"Oh,right.First,though...GOLDIE!",Chica exclaimed,pointing to the blonde,"Get those chopsticks ready."

"We don't even have chopsticks!",he replied annoyed.The girl simply giggled.

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