chapter 63

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I woke up at about half 11 the next morning but Harry wasn't beside me. The sun was beaming through the windows allowing the room to be flooded with warmth. I could still feel the dull ache between my legs, letting me know Harry was there last night. I squeezed my thighs together to relieve the tension and climbed out of bed.

I put on some underwear, a bra and one of Harrys tshirts and went into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and noticed the tall patio doors were open and Harry was in the pool. I stood and watched him for a moment, his body glistening, his head tipped back slightly resting on the edge of the pool, his eyes closed. He looked beautiful. He opened his eyes and flashed me a huge smile.

"Come out here!" He called, putting on some black sunglasses.

I put my glass onto the kitchen side and wondered outside, the slabs on the floor burning my feet slightly as I walked on them.

"Get in." Harry said beckoning me with his head.

I pulled off the tshirt and sat at the edge of the pool, ready to lower myself in.

"Wait!" Harry rushed. "No clothes allowed."

He smirked and looked down. It wasn't then until I realised he was completely naked.

I grinned at him and he walked over to me. "What if someone see's?"  

"This is our pool. Do you think I'd ask you to take off all your clothes if I knew someone besides me could be looking?" He smirked.

That was true. Harry hated any man that looked at me for too long or gave me too much attention. I rolled my eyes and Harry slid my underwear down my legs while I unclasped my bra.

"Perfect." He said placing a soft kiss on my knee.

He pulled me into the water by my ankles, catching my waist so all of my body didn't go under.

"I could get used to this." He said quietly, kissing my lips.

"You love to be spontaneous don't you?"

"It's the best way to be miss Jones." He smirked.

I still couldn't believe I was here... rewind my life a year. I was in a relationship with Jack who at the time was completely sane, I wasn't very happy, I was looking after Hannah because she was still getting over her break up with Liam, I was stuck in a never ending cycle. Then bam; I finally pluck up the courage to do something for myself for once by finishing Jack and Harry comes along and whisks me off my feet. He was like my light in the dark at that point; not that I told anyone... Well he still is my light in the dark. I must admit I tried not to fall for him so quickly but who wouldn't? I know too many things have gone wrong in the past year but Harry has done a good job at moving me on and I'm so glad he has done... and thinking about my life a year ago; I'd never in a million years believe I'd be skinny dipping in Florida with the boy I threw coffee over.

"What shall we do today?" Harry said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Go to a theme park." I grinned. "We passed one on the way here, we have to go!"

"I don't know Melanie, I don't want you getting scared on the big rides." He teased.

"Oh please, you're a bigger wimp than me!" I laughed.

"Oh is that so?" He smirked.

He put both his hands on my hips and lifted me into the air. I screamed as I hit the water with a splash and pushed my hair from my face when I re-surfaced.


"I thought you wasn't a wimp?" He grinned, swimming over to me.

"I'm not! Now c'mon lets get a shower before we go." I tugged on his arm.

"God, you just want me naked and wet all the time, don't you Melanie?" He winked.

I rolled my eyes and lifted myself out of the pool. "I'll shower on my own then."

I grabbed the clothes I took off earlier and Harry was already behind me when I reached the patio doors. "Oh no you won't."


Harry parked up our rental car and we headed towards the theme park gates. The line was quite long causing Harry to whine like a child for the most part. After about half an hour of waiting, we got to a kiosk and paid for our tickets and then we were finally in. The roller coasters zoomed past us making the loudest sound ever. I tugged on Harrys hand and he shook his head.

"If I die today Melanie, I'm holding you responsible."

I laughed and kissed his nose before getting in line for the biggest coaster in the whole park. We probably should of worked up to it really but it was too late now.

"Mel Jones?" I heard from behind me.

Me and Harry both spun around to face a tall light haired boy. It took me a few seconds to process who he was but I finally smiled at him.

"Jay? Long time no see."

"4 years." He nodded. "Fancy bumping into you here! Madness."

"Yeah." I smiled weakly. "Total madness... er, this is my boyfriend." I said pointing towards Harry.

Harry nodded his head towards him and Jay did the same.

"So what brings you out here?" Jay smiled.

"We're on holiday." I shrugged. "And you?"

"Same, I'm with my girlfriend... she's over there." He grinned pointing to a girl in a pink dress.

He turned back to me and looked at me for a few seconds before saying anything else.

"How's your brother? Zayn right?" He asked. He turned to Harry and raised his eyebrows. "Have you met him yet?"

"Yeah, he's cool. We get along well." Harry replied.

"Er, he's good thanks... yeah." I smiled.

He nodded and smiled briefly. "Right then, I better be off... the mrs will be wondering where I've got to. See you in another 4 years then Mel." He winked before turning away again and I watched him as he snaked his arms around the pink-dressed girls waist.

"And he was...?" Harry said, confused.

"A prick." I laughed. "We went out for a while in our last year of high school. He cheated on me and Zayn broke his arm... literally broke his arm."

Harry winced rubbing his own arm. "Poor guy." He laughed.


Me and Harry spent all day in the theme park right up until it closed. It took Harry a little while to warm to all the roller coasters but before long he was loving it as much as I was... whether he admitted it or not. He dragged me onto the biggest one probably 5 times... maybe more!

We ate dinner at a big buffet restaurant before heading back to our villa. The mixture of jet-lag, roller coasters and full bellies made me and Harry extremely tired. We huddled on the sofa for a while watching TV but we both ended up falling asleep. As much as I tried to stay awake, being wrapped up in Harrys arms listening to his light snores basically sent me sleep instantly. My little haven.

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