chapter 5

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After a long week of shitty customers, bitchy school girls and copious amounts of coffee, It was finally friday. Harry hadn't came by since monday and I was secretly hoping he would, even though I had been denying it to myself. All week I'd been waiting for his boots to drag along the floor. 'Play hard to get, Mel, It's fun.' Hannahs famous words rattled around in my brain before I went home.

I drove to my house and kicked my shoes off as soon I got in. I put my bag on the sofa and there was a knock at the door. Are you kidding me? I huffed and opened the door.

My jaw dropped when I saw Harry. He was leaning against the wall with a smug look on his face.

"Told you I'd find you Melanie." He almost whispered. "Can I come in?" He was already stepping inside before I answered so I guess I didn't have a choice. I shook my head and followed him.

"Er, Harry, What the fuck are you doing here? How did you find me?"

He turned around and smiled at my confusion.

"I followed you home from the coffee shop, I needed to know where to come tomorrow."

"You followed me home? Of course you did. That's what all dates do these days isn't it?" I said with a slightly more bitchier tone than I intended. He shrugged his shoulders and sat on the sofa.

"Sure, sit down, make your self at home, Harry." I said rolling my eyes. He smiled, picking up on my sarcastic tone, but not choosing to act upon it. "So you've found out where I live, by weirdly stalking me may I add, but our date isn't until tomorrow, why are you still here?"

"I don't know, I wanted to see you." He said, his green eyes catching the moonlight that shone through the window. My insides were doing back flips, front flips and I'm sure if side flips existed, it'd be doing that too. I flushed pink and he smiled at me.

"I'm gunna go get changed, you er, stay here? I wont be long." I told him.

He nodded his head and his eyes followed me away.

I peeled off my shirt and black trousers and threw a tshirt over my head before turning around to see Harry leaning against the door frame.

"Harry!" I squealed, pulling the tshirt as low as it would go before grabbing some shorts. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Wanted to know what you would say if I did that" He laughed.

I walked out of the room and he followed. "Why are you being...?" I say quietly.

"What?" He said flatly.

"I don't know, you followed me home, practically invited yourself in and then watched me get changed, I mean, I've only literally bumped into you a few times. It's weird." I say matter-of-factly.

He frowned and sat back down on the sofa. "Maybe" He paused. "Anyway I should be going... 7'o'clock tomorrow, yes?" He smiled.

I shifted my feet, wondering if I wanted to go on a date with Harry anymore but I agreed anyway, knowing I would kick myself if I said no. I showed him out and he brushed my face with a smile before disappearing into the darkness. 

"What have you gotten yourself in to Mel?" I frowned to myself. I shook off my thoughts and climbed into bed, finding myself smiling slightly at the thought of Harry.

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