The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners? - 18

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Hellooooo..... part 18 here!

I hope you all enjoy it

If you get time could you check out part 1 of my "I Put A Spell On You...." story.... I've had a few comments on it and I'd just like a bit more feedback

Comment and vote please :) I love reading all the comments <3

This is the song the cheerleading squad dance to.... I've got a different song on the side so if you want to hear it, this is it:


"Please Kaydie"




"I'll buy you a hundred packets of skittles"

I eyed TJ curiously.

"Have you been spying on me?" I asked him in an accusing tone, "How do you know that Skittles are a good bargaining tool to use with me?"

TJ grinned mischeviously.

"So if I buy you a hundred packets of skittles will you please join the dance crew?" he asked hopefully.

I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't join even if you bought me two hundred packets" I told him, shaking my head.

To be honest if he did present me with two hundred packets there would be a chance of me changing my mind....

TJ pouted.

"And pouting and pulling sad faces won't change my mind" I added.

He sighed and began frustratedly pulling up blades of grass from the patch of school field we were sat on during our free period.

"Kaydie the dance you did with me is so good" he whined, "And you're used to being flung allover the place in cheerleading so you and Liam can do loads of crazy lifts and stuff"

My mind went back to the dance I'd done with Liam to Scream - I actually got butterflies every time that I thought about it.

"TJ your friends hate me" I replied, "And I swear when Shantel looks at me I can sense that she's trying to murder me with her evil glare"

"But if they got to know you I bet you they would change their mind. In fact I know that they would"

I looked at him doubtfully.

"Okay, maybe Shantel wouldn't" TJ admitted, "But the others would"

I chewed on my lip.

"You're forgetting one thing" I pointed out, "Liam doesn't even want to dance with me. Am I meant to throw myself up in the air and catch myself too?"

TJ's face broke out into a wide grin.

"Actually that's where you're wrong, Liam told me..."

I didn't find out what Liam had told him because Chelsea chose that moment to come running over, throwing herself down next to me.

"Hello" she grinned, unaware that she was stopping me from finding out vital information.

I said hello and so did TJ.

"Why aren't you in Geography?" I asked her, realising that she was meant to be in class.

"I have a headache" she said, making quotation marks with her fingers as she said "headache"

The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners?Where stories live. Discover now