The Cheerleader And The Cage Fighter.... Are Dance Partners? - 19

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Soooo sorry for the delay! I was meant to upload the other day but something came up and then at the weekend I ended up doing first aid on a neighbour who had attempted suicide so yeah I wasn't in the mood for writing about people dancing round happily. But huzzah I've finally updated. And I've borrowed somebodys laptop so a few more updates should be coming your way :-D

But not tonight lol, my bed is calling me.... I had a looooong day at work....

I hope you enjoy and please comment and vote - I read all of the comments and I just love reading what you all think

I've had messages off people telling me to make them kiss in the next chapter..... have a ittle patience people!

I apologise if there are any errors, I typed half of this up last night and half tonight and I haven't given it a thorough read through.... also I hope the dancing parts make sense - feedback would be good.



"No I don't think so. I don't want her dancing with us!"

I'd expected this reaction from Shantel.

In fact I'd told TJ numerous times that day that she would react that way; he'd spent his Saturday morning and afternoon teaching me the basics of most of their routines.

TJ had assured me that she wouldn't react that badly.

Liar, liar.... pants on fire!

I felt an idiot stood in front of them all while Shantel was shouting her head off.

Liam was stood across the gym talking to Ray.

What a big help he was...

When I'd woken up that morning I'd cringed as I'd remembered that I'd agreed to dance with TJ and Liams dance crew, I'd immediately rang TJ to tell him that I'd changed my mind but he would't let me get away with it that easily.

"This is non negotiable" TJ said to Shantel, though his tone lacked authority.

A few of them mumbled but I couldn't tell what they said.... though I knew it wouldn't be anything nice...

The whole crew were sat down on the mats while I was stood in front of them with TJ.

"If I wanted to dance with a skinny, peroxide blonde bimbo I'd become a cheerleader or go to a strip club"  Shantel replied sharply.


She studied my face as if hoping she'd be able to see me get upset.

I fought to keep my expression neutral so that she didn't get the satisfaction of seeing the effect of her words.

"She's right TJ" another girl spoke up, "We don't need any new dancers, we have enough. And those new routines you've made up are sure to make us win. We're fine as we are"

Shantel smiled at the girl while a few of them murmured their agreement.

"Scream and Welcome To The Family were both mostly choreographed by Kaydie actually" TJ said matter of factly, causing them all to fall silent.

"They're amazing" a small girl with orange dyed hair said excitedy, giving me an encouraging smile - I'd not even seen her sat there, which was weird seeing as she had incredibly bright hair.

I smiled back shyly.

"I don't care whether she wrote the songs as well" Shantel said snottily, "I'm not dancing with her"

The number of people agreeing with her seemed to have declined.

"You're not dancing with us" Shantel spat at me, finally acknowledging me as she spoke instead of talking about me like I wasn't there.

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